Ch 40 - fourth hokage

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Third person POV-

Things had turned out just as it should.

Minato had been named the fourth hokage and the village was in a celebration mood.

For many people it was the very first time they saw a hokage take seat.

Team 7 being 3 of those.
Oh I guess...2 of obito had in fact lived to have seen many.
Even thrown some into the grave along the lines.

Obito was slightly chuckling at how some things just stated the same.


"It's official but there's still some things you should attend to" hiruzen said to the new hokage already sitting in the office chair.

"By 'things you should attend to' you mean this right?" Minato sighed and pointed to a mountain of paperwork swaying on his table.

'Someone's gonna get squashed under that one day..for sure'

"Yes...CIAO!!" Hiruzen laughed in minato's face and quickly fled the room.

'FREEDOMMM!!' His thoughts boomed.

This only caused minato to burst into laughter himself.
The old man had been hokage for many years, no wonder he was relieved to retire.


"Hey sensei" Kakashi walked into the room, his teammates chatting behind him.

But as soon as obito and Rin heard Kakashi being slightly startled, they looked up at their sensei as they both had the gut feeling it was his fault.

"Hello kids........and obito..." minato said but never looked up at them.

Because he was having a staring contest with a stack of paperwork.

"Y'know everyone says your arch nemesis is Ai (A/N the fourth raikage) from the cloud, but whoever stated that has apparently never seen you do paperwork" obito stated but a tired chuckle, he had actually never seen minato in the chair, only on the battlefield.
But oh boy was he enjoying it!

Minato gave out a sound that was something between a chuckle and the sigh of a dying man.

"So, we wanted to personally congratulate you! We all know how hard you've worked to become hokage!" Rin decided to finally get to the point.

Minato finally looked up with a kind smile.

"It sure has been a long journey..." minato said, more to himself than his students.
All the things that had led up to this day.
He could say for sure that had it not been for Kushina he probably hadn't made it this far...
his smile widened.

"But it's not over" he continued his statement, this time addressed to his students.

He didn't have to go into detail, there was too many.
They knew what he meant, the journey was continuing for him.
As well as for them.

Okay okay, I know this was a REALLY short chapter, I just didn't know how to add more to that.

Next time we'll be making a time skib directly to October 10th!

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