Chapter 04

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I wake up to a bang on my door, followed by my mum yelling both mine and Mason's name. I groan to signal I'm awake, slowly turning around to reach my phone. I click the home button to display the time; 7:15 am.

I can hear Mason beside me, texting someone aggressively. I slowly roll out of bed, going to my closet and picking out something to wear. I grab a white shirt and black jeans, which is my usual look majority of days. I grab my outfit and go into my bathroom to change. Once I'm done, I go back into my room, Mason waiting at the desk for me.

"You're really wearing that?" I asked him, judging his outfit.

"Liam, I am depressed and very upset at the moment. I think sweatpants and an oversized hoodie is very fitting right now," he informs me, sighing as though I was the idiot.

We both head down to the kitchen, grabbing a muesli bar each and eating them before Stiles arrives to take us to school. My mum is in the living room, surrounded by papers that look like bills or something. I can tell by the look on her face that she's distressed, but I don't have a clue why. She hasn't been acting any different recently or said anything to make me worry, so maybe it's just too early for her to cope with paperwork.

I hear Stiles' car horn coming from down the street, giving us plenty of warning that he was about to arrive. I quickly run over to my mum, giving her a quick kiss on the forehead and running outside to Stiles and Mason.

"We're making a quick detour today, and we're picking up Malia. So, the both of you are in the back today," he smiles, looking at me directly.

I roll my eyes, getting into the back with Mason. I plug my headphones into my phone and put on a random playlist, resting my head on the side of the car as we drive to Malia's. If it wasn't for all the houses and roads, Malia and I would only live about five minutes away, instead of fifteen. I look outside, mouthing the lyrics to the song, passing by time.

"So do you think that new kid will be in anymore of our classes?" Mason asks me, breaking me from my daydream.

"I'm not too sure. I hope he is though, he seems like a really nice and interesting guy," I tell him, receiving a confused look from Stiles. "There's a new guy at our school, he's in our English class and Mason totally fancies him."

Judging by the way Stiles was looking at me, he wasn't sure if I was being serious or if I was being sarcastic. And judging by the way Mason was looking at me, I was in fact telling the truth. I looked back at Stiles and nods, giving him a slight shrug with it.

"Wait, but aren't you and Corey dating still?" He looks at Mason, concern both in his voice and expression.

"Yes we are, and no I do not fancy Theo. He is attractive I will admit, but I do not fancy him," he looks at both Stiles and I, giving me a stern look.

Stiles pulls up to Malia's house, parking in her driveway and getting out. I watch as he walks up to the front door, knocking once and standing there patiently, waiting for someone to open the door.

"How come he doesn't do this when he picks me up? He just honks and gives me thirty seconds to get outside or he leaves. And trust me, he takes those thirty seconds extremely seriously," I tell Mason, knowing that he doesn't really care.

"I would only give you twenty," he smiles, clearly still pissed about the Theo thing.

I frown and look back at the front door, watching as Stiles and Malia make their way back to the car. There was a wide smile on both their faces, something that always happens when they're around each other. My frown shortly fades as I begin to think about what my future may hold.

I close my eyes and begin to imagine it all. A wedding, a family, a big house, a nice job. Everything that I hope and dream for, but everything I know I'll never have. I'll end up working in a job that I chose to make my parents proud, instead of following my passion for the arts. If only life was truly that easy.

Where all of our dreams would just come true and we all live to a happy ending. Life would be so much easier that way, but sadly it doesn't work like that. You have to go through so much pain in order to get what you truly want, and sometimes it isn't worth all that pain. I know that my dreams aren't worth any pain.

"Alright, meet here after school and don't be late," Stiles tells me, getting out of his jeep.

I get out of the jeep and begin to walk towards the school, slowing down for Mason to catch up. He jogs to catch up with me, throwing his bag over his shoulders. He looks up ahead, smiling as he sees Corey at the front doors. I watched as Corey turns around and walks inside, the smile now faded off Mason's face.

"It'll all work out," I remind him, tapping his back as we go our separate ways.

I go straight to my locker and grab out my chemistry books, heading to class as the bell begins to ring. I look behind me and see Mason and Corey talking to one another. A small smile spreads across my face. I continue to walk towards class, deciding not to wait for Mason and give him as much time as he needs alone with Corey.

I walk into class and look towards the back, noticing that someone had bet me to class for once. My breath hitches and my heart skips a beat when I see who it is. Theo.

I walk pass him and sit down next to him, watching as he scribbles something on his page. I look a little closer, noticing that he's roughly sketching something with his pen. His hand moved quickly, but ran smoothly along the page, going over the same line five or six times, deepening the colour. I sit up straighter, getting a better look at what it was that he was sketching. One of them was a rose and the other a skull.

"They're nice," I tell him, mesmorized by how smoothly his hand glided on the paper.

"Thanks, they're just some rough sketches." He looks up and gives me a small smile.

I smile and face the front as Mr. Harris walks in, getting the class started straight away. Mason quickly runs into the class room, making it just in time. He makes his way to the back and sits down on my bench, slightly breathless as he throws his equipment on the table. He has a small smile on his face, indicating that the talk he was having with Corey was a good talk.

Mr. Harris stands at the front of the class room, raising his voice over the whispers and getting everyones attention. I listen to what he's saying, but my eyes aren't looking in his direction. My eyes are fixed on someone else, someone more fascinating and pleasing to look at. Someone who I find more interesting than any sort of chemical reaction or chemical equation, even though I've only spoken to him once.

That someone being Theo.

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