Chapter 18

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I sit at the dinner table, watching the steam come off my food. I poke it with my fork, hoping that will help me find my appetite, that I don't seem to have. I think about Theo and about everything that has happened since I met him, which was like two weeks ago, yet I feel like I've known him my whole life.

I cut up some chicken and finally put it in my mouth, forcing myself to chew it and swallow it. I take a deep breath in, trying to put aside the nausea feeling that won't leave me alone. Ever since Theo and I had that argument in the hallway, I've felt sick and not like myself.

I place my fork down, now repulsed by the thought of food. I sit back in my chair, crossing my arms as I bite the inside of my cheeks. The table suddenly goes silent, all the attention now on me. I look at my mum and give her a very forced, fake smile.

"What's wrong sweetie?" She asks me, concern on her face and in her eyes. "Did something happen today at school?"

She reaches over the table, grabbing my hand and holding it. I look down at our hands, smiling as she squeezes it slightly.

"I don't want to talk about all of it and I don't want any questioned asked about it." I tell her, giving her a serious look. She nods and lets go of my hand, sitting back in her chair.

"There's this new kid and something is going on with him and I want to help him, but everything I do just seems like the wrong decision. One day we're all good and like best friends, other days it's like he doesn't even know me. I've tried to reach out to him, but he rejects me every single time," I tell her, holding back the need to cry.

My dad clears his throat and sets down his knife and fork, looking at me with a confused and concerned look. I can tell by both their expression that they have questions, but I know they will both respect my request.

"I know you don't want to tell us about it and I know we aren't allowed to ask any questions, but if there is something you can do, I would suggest you do it. No matter what the cost is," he tells me, giving me a soft smile.

"There is always the spare bedroom here as well if your friend needs a place to crash," my mum tells me, getting a look of approval from my dad.

I thank them both and continue on looking down at my food, my appetite slowly coming back. I finish my dinner (or at least what I could) and take my dishes to the sink, placing them in there and kissing my mum goodnight.

I go up to my room and sit down at my desk, looking at the pile of homework and assessments I have to do. I sigh and push them to the side, getting out my laptop and starting it up. I log straight in and go straight to my email, a smile growing on my face as I read the most recent email.

Hello Liam,
I have seen your art work and I would like to purchase three of them for my wife's birthday. I would like the flower ones and the one of the lake view.

Thank you,

I stare at the screen, reading the email over and over again in my mind. I want to scream and tell my parents what just happened, but I want to keep this a secret from them and everyone else. I don't want them to worry and think I'm just doing it for them to help them out. It is one of the reasons, but the main reason is because I love to do it and why not make some money out of one of my passions.

I start to write an email back to him, letting him know what the payment process is and how the whole delivery thing works. I go onto my website and take off the pictures that he selected, just in case someone else wants to buy them.

I silently scream and continue writing the email, still in disbelief that someone actually brought MY artwork. Someone took time out of their day to look at my artwork, email me and purchase something that I drew.

I go to send the email, but before I can press send, my phone begins to ring. I pick it up, surprised to see that the caller was Theo. I stare at the phone confused as to if he was meant to call me or not, because the last time we spoke it didn't end up going so well.

"Hey man, what's up?" I ask him, slouching down in my chair.

"Liam?" He asks questionable, his voice weak and almost too soft to hear.

"Yeah man it's me, what's wrong?" I sit straight back up in my chair, concern filling my voice.

"I need someone to pick me up." He tells me, his voice breaking as he cries through the phone.

I stand up and run over to my bed, grabbing a jumper and my keys from my bedside table. I put on my jumper and run over to my door. I can hear Theo crying through the phone, indicating that something is very wrong.

"I'll be right there, just wait for me. I'm coming right now!" I yell through the phone, running down stairs.

I hang up the phone and run outside, not stopping to tell my parents what I was doing. I quickly jump in my car and reserve down the drive way, putting my seatbelt on at the same time. I quickly put it into drive and speed off down the road.

I notice that I'm going over the speed limit, but it doesn't slow me down. I sit on 50, even though it's a 40 zone and even though if a cop pulls me over, I know that I will get my license taken off me, it doesn't slow me down the slightest.

The only thing on my mind at this very moment is getting to Theo and making sure he's safe.

Obsessed [book: one] // ThiamWhere stories live. Discover now