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"You know what they say babe, couples who kill together stay together" Mikey says whilst moving the bodies casually and chucking them into the truck

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"You know what they say babe, couples who kill together stay together" Mikey says whilst moving the bodies casually and chucking them into the truck. "Mikey... nobody says that" I say whilst trying not to laugh.


"CINDY WHAT ARE YOU DOING STOP" Grey screams as he tries to grab me by the waist, as I grab my phone and attempt to sprint out of the house, my gun and knives in my hand. "Cindy don't do it" Grey mumbles as I stop fighting against him. "..."


"..............- Cindy say something?"

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh imma do it BYEEEEE"

I wriggle out of Greys arms and try my best to walk fast and calmly to the door, stupid Grey he made me forget what I was even gonna do- oh yeah it doesn't matter I remember now. Honestly I don't understand my friends, I tell them we're going out, they are fine with it, then I tell them we're going out to kill someone, and they all of a sudden think I'm Al Capone. I don't kill people without reason! This bitch ruined my life now imma bout to ruin hers, then we're even, simple.
Before I could comprehend what was going on i felt a hand slip through mine, "what are you doing?" I ask Blake whilst looking up at him. He shrugs and carries on walking the way I was heading, "I don't know, I'm doing whatever your doing I guess" he says whilst opening the car door and motioning for me to go in, a smile forms on my lips and I chuck him one of my guns, earning a 'really? *eyebrow raise*' look back. As I climb into the drivers seat I notice Mikey, Jake, Lucy and Sasha climbing into the other car, meaning Elliott, Grey and Brie have stayed behind to look after the house. Driving out of the drive way I start to race towards the house I've always wanted to take a visit to.

After about 2 minutes of driving 100mph and almost giving Blake whiplash, we pull up just down the road from the house that I've only ever seen once in a picture. Getting out of the car I walk over to the other and look at them all intensely. "Cindy who's house is that?" Jake asks whilst pointing to the only house which looks as if it has no life, like every part of its soul has been sucked out. "That, my dear Jake, is the house we are going to take a little visit to" I say whilst smirking. I motion for everyone to stay guarded as from what I know, there will still be people in the house, even though she isn't there. Walking quietly towards the house I sneak everyone around the back entrance... trust me, I've studied this house for 5 months, this shit is easy. I pull out a key and place it into the lock, smirking at the satisfying click sound it makes as the door opens "what the-" "shhhh Mikeyyy" Lucy says whilst lightly slapping him. I watch as Blake disapprovingly shakes his head at them both making me stifle a laugh. "Wait so who's house is this agai-" "MUMMYYYYYYY IM HOMEEEEEE" I scream earning a loud BANG to echo from upstairs. Before anyone can say anything I run up the wooden boards and burst open one of the bedroom doors, in hope to find the sound of the noise. The sight infront of me makes my whole body shiver in disgust. "Ew put some fucking clothes on" Mikey mumbles whilst looking away. I squirm at the sight of Ethan and Stacey rushing to grab some clothes, failing to hide the numerous hickeys that are marked on their skin. I watch as Lucy casually picks up Staceys necklace and phone, sliding them into her pocket as the rest of us face our guns there way. "What the fuck are you doing here" I spit, almost hurling at the sight of the messy duvet and numerous pairs of handcuffs which were laying on it. I circle the hot new couple, backing them up into the corner of the room, motioning for Jake to grab the handcuffs much to his despair. "We were just picking a few things up that we had lost" Stacey tries to say casually, refusing to look me in the eye. "Oh Stacey sweetie, your virginity was lost a long time ago and by the look of things it's never ever coming back" I say smiling sweetly, " oh and a lovely little show you put on there, I'm sure my men watching the cctv enjoyed the show as well" I say whilst pointing to the camera. My dad had hidden multiple cctv cameras in the frames that him and my mum once owned, for the sake of the house security, without my mum knowing. Before she ran away she took them frames, why? Because they were made of pure diamonds. Little did she know that the cctv cameras still worked but we never used to turn them on, until now, as soon as she went into prison I turned them back on, telling my men to keep an eye out on them cameras as well as the ones in my own house. Stacey and Ethan share a look of horror until Stacey starts to smirk, "I bet I had an effect on them, I always do" she says whilst eyeing Blake. BANG.

"Oopsy, sorry My hand slipped my bad" I say whilst shaking my head at myself as I hear Stacey cry out in pain. "YOU BITCH YOU SHOT ME" she screams whilst grabbing onto Ethan. "Sorry, it wasn't an accident" I say to her before walking up to them and staring Ethan dead in the eyes, a slight wave of sadness filling my eyes. "You know, I really thought you were my friend, I would have taken a bullet for you, I would have been there if you ever needed anybody to talk to. But instead you hurt me, really ducking bad Ethan" I say before going to walk away, Ethan grabs my hand using both of his and before he could even blink Jake chucks me the handcuffs and I place them straight onto both wrists. The sadness in my eyes was replaced with a devil smile as I happily then go over to handcuff Stacey. "You know, your fucking annoying." Stacey says whilst groaning. "Awwww thank you babe, I might be annoying but at least I can turn this guy on" I say whilst backing into Blake, making him groan and placing his hands on my hips. As we all start walking out, with Mikey and Taylor carrying Stacey and Ethan who we now injected with a substance to make them pass out, the five security guards who were guarding the house (I know they did a pretty shitty job let's be honest) , started running towards us. In the space of two seconds, me and Blake simultaneously shot each and every one of them, before going over and checking if they were dead or not. "Dead. All five." I say proudly. "Good job baby girl" he ways whilst smiling making me blush slightly, I hold out my bloody hand and connect it with his before we climb into the car. Stacey and Ethan huh, this shits just got real. Now let's go and examine this necklace and phone. Another step closer to HW.

Only about 10 chapters left? :(
Get ready for some twists

Only about 10 chapters left? :(Get ready for some twists

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