Chapter Thirty (.5)

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30. 5 - Gatecrash

'They say you spend your whole life rewriting the first poem you ever loved.'
- Anon.


"What are we doing here?" Andi demanded as her eyes scrutinized the place. She was clearly hesistant, watching the ocassion happening before her. My lips curved upwards and hauled her with me. "Justin." She whispered, trying to get away from my grasp.

"Andi." She gave me a look. I chuckled. "What? Awhile ago you told me, 'Just take the risk and we'll see what happens'" I quoted.

"Justin I am not going to gate crash a wedding!"

"Oh come on Andrea." I stated, pulling her with me.

"Ugh." She grunted, a sign of defeat from my immovable plan of crashing. I smiled triumphantly.

After we had ridden the Ferris wheel, I intertwined my fingers with Andi and brought her along the nearby beach, unknowingly that there was a wedding awhile ago and now it was the after party that followed.

"Justin just so you know we are definitely not dressed for this party. People would know and then they'll see you and then me and then they'll ask questions and then tomorrow morning there's a headline of us and then the next thing you'll know Scooter will kill us!"

"I doubt so." I dismissed her outburst.

"Justin! Your fans will kill me too."

"They'll love you."

"Justin Drew Bieber I am not kidding."

As I faced her I seized both of her shoulders in a soothing manner. "Andi breathe."

She glared at me. "I am not freaking out."

I bit my bottom lip, hiding the grin from escaping my mouth. "Andi. You told me we're going to go undercover today."

"I did not mean it like this." She muttered.

"And there are more than a hundred people around, some even dressed like us." I said as I gestured towards couple of people suited for a beach party. She turned around to see what I was pointing out and huffed, facing me. "No one will notice. Trust me."


"Don't be a pussy."

She rolled her eyes. "Alright. You win."

A lopsided smile surfaced from me. "Right then. Come on."

We made our way to the boisterous crowd, the thumping of music radiated throughout the perimeter — a calming melody resonated. The waves of the ocean echoed as it hits the nearby seashore; the wind a little bit cold but nonetheless, the night was beautiful.

"I'm hungry." Andi stated. "Let's go to the food section."

"And you said you didn't want to gate crash."

"Well, it's free food anyway."

I snickered as she grabbed my wrist. A few people would steal glances but so far, no one noticed who we actually are. I kept my head down since I took my aviators off, never wanting to take anyone's attention away —it's nighttime already, I don't think sunglasses are efficient. I guess the dim lights helped a bit and the lack of security as well.

I watched as Andi took a plate and eyed the section of food. She would ask the waiter if she didn't know what the food was and if she didn't like it she would scrunch her nose in disgust.

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