Chapter 2

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I walked inside the school and immediately I noticed everyone whispering and staring at me. "What is going on?" I mumble. I decided to keep walking until I met up with some of my friends and or know as the 'hells angels'

"Bro you got diced!" Yelled Carson
"What?" I responded

I was confused. Whenever he uses the term "dice" he means that someone beat a high score but this time he said it to me. I was the best gamer in our town. The one who had the highest score, no one could beat me. Then I started to process his words. Someone diced me. Someone diced me.. someone diced me! I started to panic. How? Who! When!! I didn't play during the weekend because I was out of town but now someone has beaten the legend?

"Did you just say someone diced me?" I said worried
"Yea they diced you! Like bad," responded Matt.
"I mean it's probably not even that bad. I can beat them later when we go home," I said
"I don't think so man, shits crazy," said Carson
"How bad could it be?" I responded.

-After School-

I walked to my locker and started to lean against it. I then started to watch every person in the hallways, somehow it calmed me down. Seeing people living their lives. Some running, some walking, others play fighting or even kissing. People say hallways are to loudest place to be in and that it's crowded yet I think this is one of the most peaceful places to be in.  Just then my eyes caught something. It was a girl, she was breathtakingly beautiful. She was small, well shorter than me, but she looked confused, lost. I decided to walk up to her and ask if she needed any help. "Hey," I said making her jump. Woah.... she- she was beautiful, she had small light brown eyes, a small rosy nose, soft medium length brown hair, but what shocked me the most was her smile.... her smile was beautiful, totally breathtaking, amazing... I lost my words- I didn't know what to say anymore-

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