Chapter 30

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Or maybe it is the right time. Here we were- sitting in the front seats of my car waiting for the movie to start. I after the carnival I decided to take her to a drive in movie.

It was quiet. Very quiet. Annie was looking out the window, I'm guessing admiring the view of hundreds of cars lined up in many rows. The sun was setting and the sun golden light was hitting her face. She is so perfect- beautiful- real.

That's it! I'm going to ask her today- and there's so going back.

Annie then looked back at me. She caught me staring at her.

I looked at Annie and she looked at me. We locked our eyes and waiting for something to interrupt us. She eyes were shiny, her smile-

—the movie started—

We pulled back and faced the giant project screen. I could feel myself burning up, I wonder if she was doing the same.

-after the movie-

"What time is it?"

"It's 11pm ash"

"Oh shoot. Let me drive you home. There's no way I'm letting you go home by yourself this late"

I heard her giggle but it was true. There was no way I was going to let her be out BY HERSELF. Something could happen. You never know.

The car ride was silent. But it was a comfortable silence. Or want awkward or anything, we were actually enjoying the silence.

"Thanks for today" she said quietly

I turned to her confused.
"You know u don't have to thank me. You were upset and I wanted to cheer you up. I'd do anything to cheer up my friends"

"Friends... right" she said. I was barely able to make out what she said but I was able to read her lips. Friends. Somehow that word didn't sit right, did she not want to be my friend? Why did she sound so sad out of no where.

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