Chapter 17

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Where is she

Holy cow it's been about two hours! And yes I have been taking care of Annie and giving her her medicine. I'm still versing other people but none of them seem to be the one. Who is @little.devil!! I was snapped out my thoughts when I felt Annie get up. I immediately turned around and asked

"wait what's wrong? Do u want water? I'll go get it"
Annie giggled while saying "it's okay ash. I'm just going to the bathroom"

I felt my face burn. Did I really just embarrassed myself in front of Annie once again?!

"Oh well you know where the bathroom is" I replied after a couple of seconds
"Oh yea don't worry" she said as she picked up her book bag and walked dow the hall. Asher kept an eye on her until her figure slowly disappeared and faded into darkness. After a couple of seconds not being able to see her anymore he turned around and kept versing everyone. I hope she gets back soon because I'm about to finish this competition.

-5 minutes later-

I'm playing the last person and Annie hasn't returned. I was anxious to see if she was okay but I couldn't surrender so I kept playing.

-2 minutes later-

I started to get mad at the fact that I didn't know how Annie was. She could have fainted! She could be needing help and I'm here playing GAMES. I decided to finish the game by adding more effort and BAM I was able to beat him. Now I was able to look for Annie. Just as I got up and started to walk down the hall where I last saw Annie I heard a deep voice call my name.

"Yo you forgot one person"

I turned around to see Will. Is Will going to verse me? Really? I turned and walked towards him.

"I'm going to verse you?" I asked but as those words left my mouth he stepped aside revealing a shorter person behind him. It was a girl but I couldn't identify who it was. She had a costume on and it covered most of her body but her hair

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