Chapter 14

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Asher's Story 1.0

Asher started to walk downstairs, with Annie of course. But the thing was that Asher has only dated one person. Payton. Payton List. It's not like it's was a bad thing but it sure wasn't a good start.

In fact he doesn't know why he dated her. He wasn't planning to do any funny business nor did he want to break her heart, for god sakes he didn't even ask her out!

Asher just remembers when he first transferred to Attaway. (Their middle and high school) At first people didn't want to become his friend because he was "new" and a "nerd" but he didn't mind being called stupid names. But it all changed when they were introduced to gaming. The whole school was known for gaming and Asher was good at gaming- like very. Good. Talented.

Asher, as a normal person would, decided to attend this competition. At the competition he was able to show who he really was. He wasn't just a nerdy boy but he was a awesome gamer and with that within minutes Asher was able to beat his own grade. Which meant that he would have to vs the a higher grade, 8th graders.

A week in this competition Asher had already gain 10x as much popularity but he never asked for it. Without paying much attention Asher had reach 2nd place overall his whole school. Everyone want to be his friend, girls even want to date him. "Fake people" he thought but he didn't really care because he wasn't going to depend on them anyway.

He remembers one day walking into school, hearing whispers, people staring at him, it was normal to him. He didn't really care. As he opened his locker this girl started to walk towards him. He didn't notice at the time but trust me she made an entrance

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