Chapter 24

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I just came back from my break! Thank you for not spamming me to post❤️ I'll get to normally updating now but just a heads up- I might be taking another break on Christmas week. Thank you bby! And now let's get back to the story!!

That's when all the memories rushed in.
How yesterday I felt extremely sick but still versed Asher. W-will. Oh god what have I done. Will! Will is he okay?! Oh no! But that's all I can remember. Will and Asher fighting. Why can't I remember anything else?!

Back to Asher's POV
I woke up to rumbling. Annie- that's when I shot my eyes open and jumped up. By my actions I heard a loud bump turn later came Annies little squeak and I was in shock. There she was. On the floor. I guess I scared her.

"Are you ok?" I asked

"Ash you scared me!" She said smiling

"Oh I'm sorry." I walked over to help her up. "But why are you on the floor?"

"Really. I was getting off the bed up you jumped up and I fell of the bed! Hmph"

"Oh" I said with a slight chuckle.

That's when I saw her glaring at me. Shit.

"I'm sorry."

Even though I apologize she kept glaring at me.

"Look Anns I'm sincerely sorry."

With those words I saw her smile and I was able to see that perfect smile. The smile that light up the room. The smile that made me feel happy. The smile that was meant to be mine. Annie I really want you to be mine. And you will be- one day.

"Oh ash"

she said as I snapped out my thoughts.


"Do you know where my bag is at? I had it yesterday but I don't really remember what happened yesterday."

"Oh yea Will took it home after he woke up. Saying that he was going to drop it off at your house."

"Oh...... well snicker doodle"


"Oh" Annie turned all pink. "Did I say that out loud?!"

"Yes. Snicker doodle?"

"I don't like cursing so I kinda replaced them with other words?" She said clearly embarrassed

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