Chapter 27

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Car ride

"So where are we going?"

I chuckled as I turned around to see Annie facing out the window. I've been driving for about 15 minutes, she was still wearing my clothes, and she's been non stop asking where we are going.

"Ash?" She asked as she turned to face me.

Oh shoot! I turned to face the road as fast as I could. Did she catch me staring!

"You literally asked me that 2 minutes ago" I said trying to sound calm.

"But you didn't answer" she responded

"Yes I did Ann's"

" 'somewhere fun' isn't a full answer" she said laugh

"What? Yes it is bro"

"No it's not. So where are we going"

"Ok. How about this."

I decided to propose an idea. A game.

"How about this Ann's, let's play 'I spy' till we get there" I turned to face her.

"I spy?"

She looked out the window and stayed silent for a bit.

"I love that idea ash... but you go first."

"Ok well..." I said looking around the car to spot something. "Oh I got it" I turned to face Annie. "I spy a beautiful little being who has the most amazing eyes, soft brown hair. Big brown eyes, a small button nose, 2 Rosie cheeks that has tiny freckles scattered around them. In general she is the most adorable person on earth, she's perfect." I faced her and could sense a bit of blush forming on my face.

I couldn't tell if I had just said that out loud or if it was just my imagination but we all know what really happens. Seconds later I started to look forward to the road and could tell Ann's had broken her attention from the window and had turned her head in my direction.

I decided not to turn to face her because that would've ended up terribly... so I just stared the road, lost in my thoughts. I can't believe I said that.

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