Chapter 19

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The game

Just before we started the game I look up to see the screen and what I saw left me in SHOCK. I froze up I couldn't believe I was in front of "@little.devil" The fact that I was going to verse the player didn't leave me in shock because I've already been practicing and planning. BUT THE FACT THAT THE PLAYER WAS A GIRL! That left me in shock- I got beaten by a girl. I'm pretty sure everyone else noticed her user name because before I knew it the room were filled with whispers, gasps, and little chuckles. That's when Will broke the silence-

"Are you ready?"
"Yes" I responded

The girl didn't really say anything she just nodded her head and with that the game started. The game was filled with silence and a strong  later of tension. I can't lose right.

-10 minutes later-

Bro it's been 10 minutes and she hasn't lost. I am standing because beating her is so hard. Every time I try to shoot her she stops it with a shield! And I'm barely alive! I only have 10% of my health and the girl has 95% of her health. LIKE HOW DOES THAT WORK!

the room was silent. No whispers, no laughing, no clapping, not even small conversations. Everyone's eyes were glue on the tv screen.

This has been one off my longest games. It was impossible. The girl only had one bullet left while I still had 20. I gave her a evil smile knowing I was going to win. All I had to do was let her shoot her one bullet and miss me. Then I could just attack her because she wouldn't have anything to damage my health.

That's when she shot her last bullet. I chuckled at the fact that I was over 10 yards away. There was going to be no way of her even hiring me, I was to far. Then my side of the screen turned red with the words YOU DIED. I couldn't believe it. How was this possible?!

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