Chapter 28

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I stopped the car. We where here.

"Where are we?" Asked Annie as she turned to face me.

"You'll see." I walked out the car and went to her side. As a gentleman I opened the door for her and she walked out. We where here. The carnival, a place where we can have fun, laugh, and play games.

"Come on." I said as I extended my hand towards her, she grabbed it and we started to walk towards the entrance.

Just as I was buying our tickets I glanced over to Annie. I could tell she was loving the view... of the carnival not me. Her face was lit up.

"This is my first time coming to a carnival" she said. I couldn't believe it.

"You have to be joking. Carnivals are the best. You get to have fun, and HAVE FUN" I said laughing.

She giggled and said, "believe it or not I always wanted to come to a carnival but I just never got to it"

"Well then I guess that makes me a lucky guy"

I couldn't believe I said that. Today was not my day. I had exposed myself to much and I couldn't control it. Why...!! Why does she make me to nervous. Why do I feel so right being with her. Why do I feel like kissing her every time I'm with her. I barely know the girl and she already drives me insane.

"Yeah.. I'd say so too" she responded a couple seconds later.


"Come on ash!" She said as she ran towards the food stand. I chuckled at her actions. Here I was, running towards Annie to buy food. Here we were at a carnival... just the two of us... by ourselves... as friends. Damn what a perfect day.

"Hurry up! You slowpoke!"

Ok that's it. I started to run towards her and picked her up.

"Woah ash -wait!"

I didn't let her finish he sentence because I started to tickle her and she started to laugh non-stop.

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