Chapter 18

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A girl?!

It was a girl but I couldn't identify who it was. She had a costume on and it covered most of her body but her hair. Wait now I'm confused...

"Wait ima verse her?" I asked clearly confused.
"Yes." Replied Will.

Everyone had stopped doing what they were doing and immediately payed their full attention to me, Will,
"So I'm not versing you? But a girl?"
"Yes you are going to verse a girl" replied Will
"But... really¿" I asked

I was clearly confused. Girls can't game. Only boys game.

"Yes. Or are you scared?" Said Will with confidence.

Just as he said those words I felt everyone whispering and questioning me. I was so confused but I cant back down. I cant look like a coward not in front of the whole school!

"okay well game on" I said as it passed the remote to the unknown person. she grabbed it and sat down on the couch right next to me. Before we started the game the unknown girl has to log into her account to verse me as she started to set up I started to look around the room trying to sight Annie but I couldn't see her. I'm supposed to be looking for her and I'm to worried about my IMAGE for the TOXIC school. I called over Will and told him to look for Annie and to make sure she was okay. Before Will said anything he looked at the unknown girly and smiled. He then said-

"don't worry bro she felt ill so I let her sleep in a guest bedroom" Will replied calmly.

I felt a big relief but at the same time I was sad. Relief because know I knew she was okay and that she wasn't in any type of trouble but then I was sad because now I knew that she wasn't going to see me win. It doesn't really matter right?

Just before we started the game I look up to see the screen and what I saw left me in SHOCK

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