Chapter 8

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My fault 

(Will's pov)

There she was. I haven't seen her in two years- I couldn't believe it. The girl I loved the most was standing before me. I walked closer to her, every step I would see her features clearer. Isn't she just perfect- then it hit me. She probably doesn't even want to see me. She probably hates me. She probably wants me to talk to her again. That's when I felt myself turn and run but instead of running down the isle I ran directly into a bookcase. Making a loud noise, knocking a couple books, and breaking the peace Annie was holding reading her book.

I felt my vision go burry and felt the whole room spin. "Ahh oww" I groaned as I laid on the floor putting my hands on my face.

"Hey are you ok?" I little soft voice said.
"I'm fine but holy shit that hurt" I said without thinking. That's when the little soft voice giggled- wait- that giggle. I removed my hands out my face and saw her there. Annie, Annie LeBlanc. Our faces were about 3 inches away. I saw all her features, nose, mouth, her pink lips, those eyes, even all her soft tiny freckles. God if only she knew how much I wanted to kiss her. What felt like hours of starring into her eyes was actually about four seconds. Her eyes grew showing the expression of shock, but at the same time a tint of blush started to show up on her cheeks. she pulled away.

"Will?" She said confused. "Heyyyyy...." I said awkwardly. "Oh I haven't seen you in a long time" she replied. He voice, it was the same, soft, calm, warming. I couldn't believe it it was her. "Annie I- I'm sorry" I said without hesitating. Just as those words left my mouth I saw her eyes started to water, she was tearing up. Crap I really did hurt her before- "Annie..." I said as I reached to her. I gently pulled her closer and hugged her. That's when I heard her cry. I couldn't believe it- I did this, it's my fault. "Annie... please forgive me... please"

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