Chapter 6

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Everyone's invited

*beep* *beep*

I woke up to my alarm ringing. I stayed in bed and picked up my phone. Once I turned it on I noticed that it was Friday. "Crap" I yelled as I jumped of my bed and started to get ready.

Yes it's early but I have to be super early today so I can invite everyone to my house. today is going to be fun.

I rushed and got ready. I wore something comfy, black sweats and a white shirt. I was about to run out the door but I heard someone call me.

"Asher" said a women's voice. I turned to see my mom holding a red hoodie. Then I realized that I wasn't wearing a sweater. "Thanks mom!" I said as I ran up to her and kissed her on the cheek. She then handed me the sweat and asked "why are you in a hurry? It's still very early."
"Well today I saw going to invite the school to vs me in gaming" I responded
"But your number one. Why would you want to  beat them again" she asked
"Well here's the thing... I was beaten by an unknown user and I am planning to invite everyone to vs me so that I can see who it is"
"Well that's a good idea kid and just try not to wreck this place. It is your house after all. And I'm goin to be working late today." She said
"Don't worry and good luck" I yelled as I ran out the door.


Everyone was staring at me.... maybe because they saw how I beat my high score like 10x but I still wasn't able to win 1st. Well today ima going to find out who is the 'little devil.'

"Ok guys!" I yelled at everyone and everyone turned. "Today everyone who wants to game is invited to my house" I saw people nod and whisper. I'm guessing that's a yes? That's when Carson said "we are going to have a gaming competition so everyone is invited" then he smirked. Right after he said that everyone yelled "YEAHHH"


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