Chapter 12

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"Calm down Asher, she's fine" said the doctor. "Then what's wrong? No should faint randomly! Especially Annie!" I said as I stood up my chair. "She just have a fever" he responded. "Then why did she faint!?" I asked. "Well her fever got extremely high, 102°" the doctor replied. "Shit that's high isn't it" I responded. "Yup extremely high, anyways I left you instructions to help her and I'll be heading out okay?" He asked. "Of course doc" I responded as he walked out my room.

"So little girl is sick huh?" Said a voice. I turned around as saw the one and only PAYTON. "What do you want Payton? I thought I told you to leave!" I yelled and noticed that Annie was waking up. "Go away." I said to Payton. Payton knew to never mess with me so she walked out the room without hesitation.

I turned around to see Annie and saw her still struggling to wake up. "Hey Annie" I said and startled her. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you- are you okay?" I asked waiting for a response but I didn't get one. She just turned around and kept sleeping. Her actions made me chuckle, maybe she wasn't fully awake. I decided to walk back to my desk but just as I was about to sit down my chair slid out my hand resulting me to fall on the floor. Just then annie jumped out of the bed.

"Good job idiot" I'm mumbled to myself. "Asher?" I heard Annie's weak voice say. She looked confused, as if she had many questions, I couldn't blame her. If I were to be in her situation I would've been confused too.

"How did I get here" she asked. "Well you fainted because your fever reached 101°" I replied without hesitation. "Oh I'm sorry for putting you through this trouble"

"Don't worry Annie, I'm not complaining" I told her with a smirk.

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