Chapter 31

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I like you

We were like 2 minutes away from Annie's house when she kept getting messages none stop. Who was texting her NON STOP. EVERY SECOND I COULD GEAR HER PHONE BUZ. I couldn't handle it anymore. She told me it was her friends and I asked who she replied me with Will's name. DID SHE REALLY JUST FORGIVE HIM?!

I immediately stopped and parked the car near the woods.

"Asher?" Annie asked so soft. "Is everything okay?"

I stayed quiet.

"Hey ash?" Annie places her hand on my arm. "Are you okay?"

"No." I said firm


"No im not okay."

"What happened then? Is there something I can do?"

"I'm not okay. I'm not happy. I can't control myself. It's not fair-!"

I wasn't able to finish when Annie cut me off by saying.

"What's the problem ash?"

At this point I really couldn't control it. I was going to explode of anger, rage, sadness.

"You! Your the problem. I just can't anymore. I don't understand myself and it started when I first met you. Annie I really like you. Trust me. I really do like you. I just can't find a way of telling you. Now you are getting messages from Will. He really did hurt you last time and you just forgave him. Annie I really can't control myself. Most times I just want to grab you and claim you mine but then I remember how I don't know how you are going to feel. I- Annie- I- I'm sorry."

I had just exploded. In front of Annie. I yelled at her. I told her she was my problem. I had just fucked up everything. Today was going great until I had to shatter everything. I looked at Annie and saw tears in her eyes.

"Annie- I- I'm really sorry."

She looked at me and said

"Asher... I like you too"

I felt my heart race I couldn't believe it. I wanted to grab her and kiss those small lips of hers but then

"But I can't date you ash."

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