Chapter 34

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Don't leave

I quietly hid inside her closet. What felt like ages waiting i was able to hear someone opening Annie's door. I peaked through and saw someone I wished Disappeared. Famous Will. The dickhead who didn't hesitate to hurt her. The dickhead I knocked out at the party. The dickhead who Annie forgave so easily. I wanted to run out the closet and punch him. Trust me if it weren't for Annie he would have ended up in the hospital.

I saw how he walked up to Annie and touched her forehead. He smiled and I frowned. He kissed her on the cheek waking her up and all I wanted to do was run out the closet but I knew I had to stay hidden.

Will started to walk out the room when he stopped midway.

"Annie you're going to have to tell him sooner or later" (will said)

Annie looked around the room. I guess she was looking for me but she couldn't really see me.

"...I-I know" she said

What are they talking about? What does Annie have to tell me.

Finally, Will had left her room. I decided to stay in the closet until I heard the front door close. After I was 90% sure Will had left the house I decided to pop out Annie's closet.

I must've startled Annie because she had jumped and thrown a pillow at me.

"Oh my gawd Asher! U almost killed me!"

"Killed? I would never" I said.

"Anyways why were you in my closet.... you perv"

"Wait no- I'm not a perv"

"Well that's what they all say"

"Anns I had to hide because just when you fell asleep I started to walk to the door and heard someone outside the door. I panicked and hid"

"Don't leave..." she mumbled.


"Can you stay with me?" She looked at me and I looked at her blankly. She wants me to stay the night?

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