Chapter 33

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-in Annie's room-

There was a awkward silence but I can't really blame her. I just want to know everything, I'm so lost and need answers.

"Anns?" I asked. I seemed to had waken her up from a day dream because she had jumped and stumbled over. "Can you tell me what you meant"  I asked and saw her turn the opposite direction. "Hey... Anns you can trust me you know" I had to reassure her because it true. She can really tell me, trust me, I'll keep her secret.

"Your right. I might even be overreacting too." She finally said. "Ok well here I go- Asher I'm not the girl you seem to think. I'm actually a geek! At my other school I used to be called 'the nerd' not only that but I would always game."

"You GaMe?!"  I had to cut her off because I was surprised. My baby also games! What can't she do?!

"Yes I game and-"

"Let's play a round. Right now!" I cut her off again. I could believe my bby games!

"I- uh okay..." Annie looked down and plopped on the bed.

"Were you going to tell me something?" I asked. I had realized that I had cut her twice and did let her finish. She looked at me and said in a sting voice, "no"

With that I turned on the tv and started to set everything up.

once I had the system set up I looked at her and saw her laying on the bed. It took me about 20 minutes to set up the whole system. I walked up to her and saw that she wasn't awake. Anns was sleeping, so peacefully. I couldn't wake her up from her peaceful sleep so I decided to kiss her one the forehead and leave her house. Just as I was about to open Annie's door to the hallway I heard someone open a door and walk down the hall.


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