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I stare blankly at my reflection in the bathroom mirror, shaking my head to try to get River's words out of my head but they won't budge. I turn to the side and cup my hands over my boobs before letting them go, my fingers falling to brush over the few stretch marks I have and with this pregnancy my hips are definitely wider, my face is chubbier too and where the fuck have my ankles gone?

"Hey, Baby! You ready for bed?" Harry's voice sings as he wiggles the door handle. I snatch up the pyjamas I'd dug out from the bottom of my drawers and hurry to pull them on. "Jess? I need to pee. Why'd you lock the door?" 

"Didn't realise I had." Great. Now I'm lying to my husband. A sigh leaves my lips as I pull open the door.

"Pregnancy brain, huh?" His lips softly press to my cheek as he passes, and I can't miss the puzzled look he gives my pyjamas. I quickly climb into bed and turn out the lights, my back towards Harry's side of the bed.

"So tonight turned out to be quite fun, right? I mean it would have been better if River wasn't there but she even cracked a smile a few times." His voice weaves through the darkness like the chirping of crickets as I sense him getting undressed.

"Uh huh." I feel the mattress sink as he climbs under the bedsheet.

"Hmm... Why are these pyjama's getting to hug themselves to your body? That's my job, Baby." His whisper on my neck has my nipples beading and his hands eagerly roam under the offending piece of clothing. I feel my juices pool in my pants as his erection presses up against my bum but I move to still his hands.

"Not tonight H, I'm tired." Another lie, well I am but not too tired to fuck my husband. The thought of him pulling off my top to reveal my body to him has me suddenly scared which is ridiculous I know, he has seen me in all manner of poses and positions and never once has he shown any sign that he thinks my body is anything other than beautiful. I'm so mad at myself for letting that silly little girl get in my head.

"Shit! Sorry. The sight of you in that dress has been driving me crazy all night. I'll behave." He pulls away slightly, just enough so his erection isn't pressing up against me and he slides his hand out from under my pyjama top, resting it gently around my bump. "I love you, baby. Get some rest." His lips press softly to my shoulder before his head comes to rest at the base of my neck. A tear rolls across my cheek, quickly followed by another and another as I lie here silently crying into my pillow while the most wonderful man in the world holds me tight. I don't deserve him. 


I startle awake, hard and horny and the first thing I notice is Jess isn't in bed beside me. I feel like such a dick about earlier. I should have spotted she was tired although that hasn't stopped her before. I swear that woman is sometimes hornier than me, especially when she's pregnant. I climb out of bed to check the bathroom and make sure she's okay but I'm surprised to find she isn't there. I'm even more confused when I spot those weird pyjama's she'd been wearing on the tiled floor. My eyes flit around the bathroom and I recognise the familiar purple glow of the pool lights streaming through the window. I head back to our room and pull back the curtains and sure enough there she is swimming in the pool at 3 in the morning. I pull on my boxers and a loose pair of jogging bottoms to go get her.

"Couldn't sleep?" I ask when my feet slap against the ground. She rushes over to the side of the pool, her head the only part of her that is visible as it pops above the edge.

"You scared me!" She frowns.

"You scared me too. I woke up, and you were gone." I can feel the pout on my face.

"Sorry." It comes out in a sigh and she looks away from me.

"Do you mind if I join you?" I smile. 

"Uh. I was just about to get out." She still wasn't looking at me and she hadn't seemed like she was ready to get out when I arrived. Something is going on with her. I hold out my hand to help her but she doesn't take it.

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