17-Halloween part 2

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Previously on The Succubus

"Did you take your pill?" She asked as she turned the car on.

"Yes baby, I took it as soon as I got upstairs" I replied as I unlocked my phone and started scrolling through Instagram. G nodded and put her hand on my thigh while she drove us to who knows where.



"Where are we going?"

"You'll see" she said with a mischievous smile plastered on her face as she squeezed my thigh.

Oh boy


Nicki POV

  The car ride to this unknown destination didn't take very long. There was no traffic surprisingly so we managed to get wherever she was going at a reasonable time. We pulled up to this fairly large building that stood out like a sore thumb compared to the surrounding buildings. The outside had accents of gold and black, while the rest of the building was covered in large windows.

"Giselle where are we?"

"Before we go to Kelly's, I need to pick up something for the both of us" she said smoothly as she parked the car and turned off the engine. She unbuckled her seat belt, got out of the car and came to my side to open the door.

"Thanks baby"

"Don't thank me for something I'm supposed to do" she voiced as she took my hand in hers and led us inside the large building. As soon as you walked in there were multiple glass counters with different pieces of gorgeous jewelry inside. There were diamonds everywhere and any possible stone imaginable had a place in this room.

"Aaah Giselle, Je t'attendais ma chérie!" A man's voice erupted from around the corner. Out walked a tall, polished looking man with a perfectly tailored suit on his body. He had a bright smile on his face as he came to greet us. Thankfully I was put in a french immersion school so I understood what the hell he was saying. He embraced Giselle in a hug and kissed both sides of her cheek.

"Vous savez que vous êtes sur ma liste d'arrêts chaque année" Giselle responded back which made me look up at her with surprise.

Since when did you know how to speak French?

It's Bey and I's second language since mama has that creole in her.

And when were either of you going to share that information with me?

Whenever the time came where we had to speak French, which would be now.

"Je suis si contente que tu sois là. Je vois que tu as amené quelqu'un aujourd hui!" He continued while he turned his gaze over to me. Giselle wrapped her arm around my waist and brought me up to her side.

"Je voulais te présenter quelqu'un. Raphael, voici ma petite amie Onika" she announced, which made my insides heat up from how sexy she sounded. She looked down at me and smirked before turning her attention back to the man who I've now learned is Raphael.

"Nic, this is Raphael. He's a family friend and also an amazing designer" she told me. Raphael took my hand in his and kissed the back of it sweetly.

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