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Previously on The Succubus

"Oh boy, here they go" mama complained and Robyn laughed.

"Let's just hope this doesn't end with a fight like last year's games did" Robyn said.

"Are they THAT competitive?"

"You have NO idea"


★Bey POV★

"So for this game, the groups will be made from two pairs. Whichever group of four get the most cards guessed correctly get a point for their respective pair. So for example, Sol and Beyoncé y'all will be in one group together. If you win against your aunts and cousins, the both of you will win a point for your teams"

"So you mean I have to work with Solange to win the competition?!" I asked loudly. I don't wanna play with her ass. I want to play against her.

"That's exactly what I'm saying"

"Mama why can't I be put with Cole and Rocky?" I heard Sol say behind me. I nodded to show that I felt the same way as her.

"Because I said you can't. If y'all hate this so much, you can alway forfeit and give the point up"

"Hell no! Solange shut up and let's do this. I'm not about to lose because of you" I hurried up and said. Solange sucked her teeth and pulled Robyn with her to sit on the couch beside Nicki and I.

"So, now that the disruptions have ceased, the first category y'all are gonna guess from is television shows" mama informed us as she gave us the headband that would hold the cards. Nicki volunteered to go first so we placed the headpiece on her and soon mama came beside her with the cards in her hand.

"The object of the game is to get as many points in two minutes. The twist being added to the game is that you can only give hints by acting or singing"

"Alright this is unfair" Rochelle huffed out.

"Rocky, you act like your mamas can't act OR sing!" Mama replied with her head tilted to the side.

"But Bey actually has a degree in both!"

"I have a degree in everything, so that's not a valid argument" I chimed in and I could tell she had nothing to fire back. The game continue and dad put a three minute timer on his phone.

"Y'all ready?" He asked us and we quickly nodded. He then started counting down from three and when he hit one he started the timer and mama put the first card on Nicki's headband. As soon as the card hit her forehead I chuckled and started the hint.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh..." I started as I spun around in a circle

"No!" I stopped while I hit Solange on the back of the head. Everyone started dying laughing and Solange just flipped me off as she rubbed the back of her head.

"My wife and kids" Nic answered between laughs and mama quickly took the card off of her forehead, replacing it with a new one.

"Go home Roger!" Robyn yelled and Nicki instantly said sister sister. The card was replaced and as soon as I saw the television show I let Solange start it off.

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