Telling the kids

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So there is a 3 week time jump from the date so yeah enjoy😊

Liv POV: So today we've decided we're officially dating so we think it's time to tell the kids Mel and the kids should be here in about an 10 minutes .

Mel POV: So I'm picking the kids up from their friends house and today is the day that me and Liv tell all the kids that we are officially dating this should be fun telling three 5 year olds and three 4 year olds that they're moms kiss but I'm happy and nervous about it.

Both Liv & Mel: " Mom someone's at the door, ok coming just a sec...hey, hey, wassup J,M,Sam how's it going, good,alright,fine, cool we'll the kids are in the twins room, can we go back mom, yeah go ahead, so when you want to tell them, give em bout an hour, ok but can I get a kiss, always....... k kids snack, we're coming, you ready, as ready as I'll ever be, alright let's see we have 1,2,3,4,5 where's 6 I think he's sleeping in Will's room, I'll get him hey J get up buddy, why I'm tired, I know but it's snack time then nap time when everybody else is sleep you'll be up bored, fine, look who's back to the land of the living, well hi Jax, hey,ok so everyone we have something to tell all of you, what, well me and Mel have been going out with each other a lot and spending a lot of time together what do y'all think about that, it's alright we all like hanging out it's fun, ok so what if Liv and I were a couple, like how mommy and daddy were, exactly Will like mommy and daddy how would that be to you all, (Sam) will we all live together, eventually yes but for now we stay in our own houses,(Willow) can we tell people, you can tell whoever you want when you feel like you want to, (Jax) Will things change, no not much you'll see Liv and the kids more, cool,(Max) is it like how Jacob Noel has two daddies, yes exactly, (Emily) or how Amber has two moms, yep just like Amber, Ed do you have any questions, ummm what do we call Mel, whatever you want, ok just checkin, alright is that it anymore question, nope we're good, well if your done with you snack you can go play nap in 2 hours, alright come guys, well that went better than I thought it would , I know right now my family is what I'm worried about, now is it your family or just you grandpa, just my grandpa you know how religious he is he wouldn't talk to me for 2 years after I had the kids, I know baby it'll be alright and hey if it's not you always got me, I know,thanks for being here for me, no problem we're in this thing together".

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