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Next Day After Wedding

Ok kids breakfast.... ok so today we have the choice of cereal, sausage & biscuits, or oatmeal let's make the line, ok Em what you want cereal, ok we got one cereal next Ed, I want sausage & biscuits, ok s&b next Will sausage biscuits, another s&b, Jax cereal please, cereal Sam,cereal ok cereal Kin umm oatmeal, one oat next Ry, sausage biscuits, s&b ok next Ty, cereal, cereal and last but not least Max I want cereal, alright the last one is, no no wait let me guest cereal, you know it. So guys me and mama where thinking how about we all have the same last name, Ooo yeah, so that would mean that instead of just adopting Kin,Ty,and Ry that mama would be adopting Sam,Jax,and Max, yeah that would be so cool, what about us, well you guys already have the last name Blue we just have to add another e at the end so what do you say after we're done eating we go do that, yeah, ok cool.

Ok we ready let's go follow mama to the car please alright so there's 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 ok let's go, sit down please everyone in the set with their name on it, yes, ok let's go. Up next the Bluee family so I hear we want to adopt some young children today, yes ma'am we do, well let's do that, ok so you are jere appointed the legal mothers of Ryder Kason, Tyler Grayson, and Kinsley Lynn welcome to the Bluee family and now for Olivia to become the legal mothers of Sam Maddison, Jax Alex, and Max Jaden, thank you so much, no problem both have a beautiful family.

The Bluee Family is in the House.

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