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A week later

Hey babe have you seen my shoes, did you look by the door, thanks, no problem, ok so my family is meeting us at your moms house I'm so excited to see them it's been so long, I know face time just doesn't do justice anymore, no it doesn't, os Chris Jen and the kids coming over, um I think so then the girls are gonna spend the weekend with them, ok does he know about Kin Ry and Ty, I haven't told him and I don't think the kids mentioned it to him so I don't think he'll find out when he gets there, yep and then they have talked to my family via FaceTime so they're not really strangers to them, yeah what time is it, 3:30 what time does it start, ummm 4:00, damn we should have left 20 minutes ago they live an hour away and we have 8 kids, babe we have 9 kids, oh right well I'm gonna head to the car you count, ok come on guys let's go the last one to the car is a rotten egg let's go ok I got 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.

Hey mama, hey Livy, peaches hi, hi muffin how are you, good and you, good, T wassup, nothing how bout you how's my big sis doing, good, hi Maggie how have you been, good and you Mel, good when you have a sec may I talk to you, yeah no problem just give me one second, gg, is that my grandchildren you guys are getting so big, aunt Mary are Beck and Sally here, yep there on the trampoline in the back with there dad, oh Chuck's here, yep, mama can we go in the back on the trampoline, yes but put on your coats, so Mel what time is your family gonna be here, they should be here in the next 30 minutes or so, hey did you want to talk to me, yeah can we go to the back room, yeah, so I wanted to show you this, wow Mel that's so beautiful, so I was wondering if I could ask Liv to marry me, of course when did you want to do it, well today, today, well I thought since my family is in town and everybody in her family are here why not, well I think it's beautiful and Livy could have not ended up with some one better she lucky to have you, no it's the other way around I think I'm lucky to have her.

Mom Dad hi I've missed you so much, Melly hi beautiful how have you been, good, Sissy hi, Melly Bear hi honey, Kay Kay hi, Melly Bear hi, auntie Melly, omg is that Lay Lay Ryan gosling and Cris hi you guys are getting so big, Liza Eric hi, Liv hi how are you, good and you, we're great, nana papa, sluggers come here oh we've missed you, aunt May and aunt Katie, you guys are getting so big.

Hey Chris hey Jen how it going, good, where's Stella and Camron, their spending the weekend with Jen's mom, oh, we're keeping the girls this weekend right, yep, hey Chris wassup, hey Mel nothing much, Will Ed and Em your dad's here, daddy, hi guys, where's Cam and Stella, their with Jen's mom, oh are we going with you this weekend, yep and we're gonna have so much fun, yay..... guys dinners ready.... ahaha so I just want to say that I'm so happy to have my family new and old I'm so lucky to be with this beautiful person who makes me smile and laugh every day since I met her and most of you might not now this but when I met Liv I was in a very bad place in my life and if I didn't have my kids who knows what would have happened and even with the rough days and believe me there are some rough days (ahah) I couldn't be more happy to be with her so I just wanted to ask you this one question, oh my gosh your not, Olivia Kristan Blue will you MARRY ME, YES a thousand times Yes.

So this is gonna be the lat chapter for awhile but I will be back hope you enjoy😊

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