Last But Not Least

43 4 0

Mama - Liv
Mom - Mel

Hey babe, yes, so I've been thinking , oh no , no hear me out what if we had one more kid , ok you said what now do you know how many we already have one you wanna add one more to the mix , yes could it really be so bad to have a little baby running around , yes yes it could seeing as we already have 12 little feet running around , I know I just want one more and then we can stop pretty pretty please , you do know there's a lot that has to go into this cause it's not like either one of us has a penis , duh , just checking, fine we can go to fertility clinic tomorrow , thank thank thank and I love you so much , I love you too.

The next day

Ok so nana is going to be watching you guys today while me and mama are going to handle some important business and I want you all to be on your best behavior for her , no problem ma , excuse me Mr. Jax Alex Bluee , I mean mom no problem mom , thank you correcting yourself ..... thanks for doing this on so short notice maman , aucun problème Liv , well we should be back in about an hour or two so just call me if you need me , D'accord.

Ok Olivia and Melanie Bluee we can see you know , no turning back now , the doctor will be in shortly, thank you ..... Hi I'm Doctor Reed , hi Doctor Reed I'm Olivia Bluee and this is my wife Melanie, hi , so I see here you are looking to do IVF how fast were you wanting to start the process , well as soon as possible I guess , ok so know do you want to start look at some donors so any in particular race that you are looking for , well yes actually we would like some of Columbian ethnicity , well in that case all I need now is to know who we are taking the eggs out of , that would be me , ok Ms.Olivia let's get you to the back and Ms.Melanie we shall return, please call us Liv and Mel , ok in that case Ms. Liv we will be going this way we shall be back ....... ok so you will need to come back in about a month to see if the first egg worked, ok thank you so much , problem .

1 month later

Liv and Mel you can come back know , so Liv how have you been feeling this last month , well to be honest I don't really have any symptoms and I feel completely fine but it's wired because I got sick with all of my kids , well Liv not every pregnancy is the same, well that's true, ok this will be a little cold, I don't see any thing , well unfortunately the egg did not take , ok so where do we go from here , well it's up to you guys you could come back in a week and we try again or we can save them for when your ready.

A week later

Alright Liv Mel come on back , ok Miss Liv come with me ...... ok so you will come back in another month and we will see if the egg took this time , ok , see you in a month, see you in a month.

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