New Siblings

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The next day
So should we tell the kids now, I mean there gonna be here in like 2 hours so yeah, ok... so guys we have something to talk to you about so you guys know how Kinsley doesn't really have a mommy or a daddy, yeah, well we were wondering if you guys would be ok with her and her brothers coming to live with us for awhile, like forever(Sam),maybe, her brothers are coming to(Jax), yes, so does anybody have anything they want to let us know, I do, ok Max shoot, so does this mean we're finally gonna have more boys in the house, (hahaha) yes there are gonna be more boys in the house anymore questions, no we're good, ok. Kinsley hey you can go play if you want and we'll tell you where to put you stuff later, ok, hey Amelia anything we need to know, they boys get in on Monday, ok and when do we enroll them in school, I would say next Monday just to give them some time, ok, other than that any question, no I think we're all set, ok see you guys on Monday than, see you. Hey did you call you mom about sunshine yeah I'm taking her over there tomorrow, did she ask why, yeah I told her it was because you don't have your allergy medicine, ok blame it on me, haha very funny she said no problem, ok.

One week later
Hey Kin can you come here a sec, yes, so you know how we told you that on Monday you get to choose you favorite place to go, yeah, well what's today, Monday, ok so where do you want to go, umm can we go to Monkey Jo's, if that's where you want to go, yeah ok go get ready tell everyone else to get ready to,ok. Let's go team in the car please babe how many do you have, I have all of them we're good to go, k coming, we good, yeah we're good, alright then let's go.

Hey Liv&Mel this is Ryder and this is Tyler can you say hi, hi, hi there we're so excited to meet you, where is, she's playing.. ok kin I want you to open you eyes on the count of three 1-2-3, oh my gosh, haha, Ry&Ty I miss you, Kin hi, awww how cute, babe are you crying, no it's dust, yeah okay I love you so much, yeah me to love you. So Ryder and Tyler we were wondering if you would like to come and stay at our house with Kin, yes we would, great.

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