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So to get caught up with December I decided to just go ahead and put Halloween and thanksgiving together.😊

October 31st
Now guys you know what you have to say, yep, what , trick or treat smell my feet give me something good to eat, good job, and the rules for when we go out, stay close to moms and hold each other's hands, good ok now let's go get some candy.

Trick or treat, oh ok so let's see we have 3 butterflies and 2 pirates so cool, what do you guys say, thank you, no problem, alright guys like 3 more houseware than we go home, ok, don't you guys look precious, thank you.

Ok let's count Sam you first you have 95 pieces of candy, Will your up...you have 89 pieces, oh Sam's in the lead so far now we all know what happens when you win you get to eat 5 pieces of tour candy instead of just three let's see if anyone can beat Sam J your up.... you have 90 pieces of candy, ok Em your next let's see... you have 96 pieces Em just took the lead ok M your up... you have 93 pieces of candy, alright and last but no least Ed... ok drum roll please....... Ed has 92 pieces of candy which means Em wins yay go Em wohwoh.

Ok kiddies good night love you, love you to mama and mommy, love you dud's, we love you guys to, alright Sammy we love you goodnight, night, K Will you know the rules tv off goodnight love you, ok nite love you too.

November 28th
Liv hon you mom just called she's on the way so she can ride with us to the building, ok.... hey babe can you get the door, yep, Maggie hey, hey Mel where's the kids, well their either in their room or the play room we usually don't allow tv when we're heading out, hey kids your granny's here, granny, oh grandkids how's it going, my birthday is next mouth (Will), mine too (Sam), I know you guys are getting so old, mom hey, Liv oh darling are you going out with your hair like that, of course not my mom but hey it's so good to see you too. So your sister and your bother are going to meet us at the building, ok, and Mel will your family be attending, um no ma'am their going to come down all next month for the girls birthday and Christmas, well that's nice I want you to know that you will always be welcome in our family anytime, well thanks so nick Maggie I appreciate it, no problem, alright Ed I'm done, thanks mommy, no problem now go put your shoes on, hey hon was Ed that last one for hair, umm yes I thinks so, ok than I'm done I'm going to start loading the car, alright babes.

It's so nice how your whole family gets a building and you all get together like this, yeah we do it like every 3 or so years it's like my mom and my dad's side of the family all together so this should be fun... hey T what's been up nothing much oh I want you to meet Kelly Kelly Liv Liv Kelly this is my girlfriend  babe this is my older sister Liv and you've already meet Mar, hi I'm Olivia but you can call me Liv and hon can you come here a sec this is my girlfriend Mel this is T's new girlfriend, oh hi nice to meet you, yeah you to, hey I gotta get the kids but nice to meet you see you in there, you to, well I better go help her but I'll see you guys in there, babe you didn't tell that your sister was a dyke, hey don't talk about her that way, what I'm just saying that's so disgusting and those poor kids, hey no we're not doing that no one talks about my sister but me matter of fact I think I'm just gonna call you an uber, fine are you at least going to tell them, yes and oh look here's your Uber see you at the apartment don't steal anything, yeah yeah. Hey T where did your girlfriend go, oh she had to leave work emergency, oh well is she coming back, umm not sure but I think they're starting we should get in there, are you sure your ok, yes Liv I'm fine,ok.

Hey Mar, Liv Mel hey how's it going where's the kids, it's going fine and the kids should be running around here somewhere oh look here's one know yes darling Jax, I have to pee, ok mommy will take you I think it's in the back, ok alright bud let's go, and how are the kids and Bill, they're fine, Mar can I ask you a question, yeah shoot, why do we do this, do what, you know act like we weren't raised in the same house, to be honest Liv I really don't know we used to be so close until, until I got pregnant it's ok I get I lost half of my friends I just didn't think I'd lose my own sister also, what no you stoped talking to me way longer before you got pregnant with Will it's when you meet Chris, oh my gosh your totally right I am so sorry, me to I've just missed my little sister, and I my bib one, hey hon everything ok, yeah babes just fine, I think your mom is calling me be back.

Ok can everyone have a seat please I am so excited to be hosting the 3rd annual Blue-Johnson thanksgiving, who is that, that's my aunt Bett, and Johnson, that's my mother's maiden name, oh, and now let's take some time to decorate a memory to the ones that we have lost.... oh Olivia how are you, I'm great aunt Bett and you how's Lincoln doing, oh just great and you how are you kids how many do you have aging, oh I have 6 total, wow and they're all your husband's, well the other three are my girlfriend Melanie but we call her Mel the other three are here biological kids, oh well I'm glad you found someone that makes you happy, yeah me to.

Well mom I think we're gonna head out so we can get the kids to bed at a decent hour, ok than bun talk later you to, bye Mar, Bye Liv Bye Mel, bye Mary see you, see you T, alright big sis, bye Tom see you, see you Mel.

Well mom I think we're gonna head out so we can get the kids to bed at a decent hour, ok than bun talk later you to, bye Mar, Bye Liv Bye Mel, bye Mary see you, see you T, alright big sis, bye Tom see you, see you Mel

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Liv & Mel's outfit

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Liv & Mel's outfit

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