I Do

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Sorry I've been gone for a while buttt blew back now and I will post more regularly☺️

You excited it's the big day, omg yes like I can not even express the happiness that I have inside me right now that I get to marry the person that I could not love without, Melly I'm just so happy that you finally have a light and a shine on your face as big as you, me to mama me to. So Livy how you feeling, um nervous sacred but also very very happy and excited that I get to be with the person I love most in the world besides my kids of course can someone go get Tom please, yeah no problem, hey Livy you look beautiful, thanks little bro so I was wondering how would you like to walk me down the aisle, really I would love too, yeah ok great.

Ok you ready, as ready as I'll ever be, ok let's go get you married then baby girl, I love you dad, love you too Melly Bear, ok Liv ready, as ready as I'll be, ok then girly let's go. All rise please............. we are gathered here today to unit two beautiful souls now have you prepared vowels, yes so to my beautiful Liv you are the light and the sunshine of my life from the day I saw you at your door step for the first time to the day that I bumped into at the hospital to our first date I've known that you will be my one true love for the rest of my life and I love you so much for being with me when I didn't want to be with me, wow how am I gonna top that (hahah) ok so Mel you are like one of my limbs of one of my important ones are taken out then I will die and I can not live without you I love you so much that I can not not be without you for mine then a sec maybe less you are one of the many things that I am thankful for in this world today, Melanie Mariana Mackenzie Carter do you take Olivia Abrielle Kristan as your wife, I DO, and Olivia Abrielle Kristan Blue do you take Melanie Mariana Mackenzie Carter to be your wife, I DO, then in the power invested in me by minsters.com you may now kiss the bride.

May I introduce to you for the time ever Ms and Ms Bluee (wohwoh), thank all of you guys for coming and thank you to our families and our children we love you all so much and thank you for supporting us. Ok the first dance..... may i cut in here no problem Eric Liv you just married my daughter it's dad, ok dad, you know Melly Bear I am so proud of you and I'm glad to see you truly happy again and I also want you to know that you will always be my Melly Bear and that I love you, aww I love you dad and I will never forget all the things that you've done for me. Livy sweetie I love you and I want you to never forget it, I know mom and I love to in to you are the one that has always been there for me and for that I am truly grateful, mother hood is a precious thing that you don't need to be rewarded for doing it is a privilege that you get to do it, yes it is mama yes it is. Hey muffin, peaches you know I could have not pulled off this wedding without, no no you wouldn't have (haha), I just want to say thank you for being there for me even in my most annoying moments,no problem muffin I will always have your back no matter what,same, hey Liv congratulations on the wedding, hey Chuck thanks feel like I haven't seen you in a minute, well hey what can I says always working but hey congratulations again, yeah thanks, aunt Livy, Hey Sal Beck, you look really pwetty, aww thanks Sal and so do you, thanks, no problem, T-Dog I just wanted to say thank you again for walking me down the aisle today, hey what are bothers for and I'm honored that you asked me, why wouldn't I your my little Tommy, I'll let that slide for today, haha. Melly,mom hey thanks for being here and supporting me, always I might not like some of the choices that you make but this is not one of those times I really like Liv, yeah me too, hey Kat Layla's and Ryan gosling, hey Melly, auntie Mel you look really pretty, thanks guys, hey May and Cris, hey Melly, hi auntie Mel you look really pretty, well thank you I tried. Ok guys time for the cake ok so everyone put one hand on top on mine and mama's ok, ok, here we go and 1,2,3 wohwoh, and let's give it up one last time for Ms and Ms Bluee.

Goodnight Ms Bluee and Goodnight to you Ms Bluee I love and I Love you.



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