Chapter 48

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A/N: Hello my dear readers and welcome to your daily update! Fair warning, this chapter was particularly difficult to write and fuse together but I hope it up to standard. It also leads to...things teehee, enjoy!


"Like a virgin...touched for the very first time."

3rd Person POV

It was Friday morning, their last full day at the lake house. After the previous evening's game night, things were a bit tense around the house. However, that didn't stop the group from making plans to break that tension. A local bar was doing one of their monthly events that involved a live band along with a few contests. Marco managed to convince half of the house to attend while the remaining members had other ideas.

Kaden, serious about his pursuit of Monique's sister Keke, planned on taking her to a local drive in for a late night double feature. Initially, Keke rejected the idea but the least likely source of advice made her change her mind: and that was her sister.

So that left only one pair for Johnny Masters to take care of.

"Yo, Kane!" Johnny called from the living room. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

Kane nodded before jogging down the hall to where Johnny stood. "Wassup man?"

Johnny gestured for Kane to hold out his open hand and after doing so, Johnny dropped a set of keys into his open palm.

"Johnny, what is this?" Kane questioned.

"Those would be the keys to my boat. You did say you could drive them right?" Johnny asked nonchalantly while Kane remained confused.

"Yeah...? I have no issues, but why?" Kane pressed leading Johnny to sigh loudly.

Johnny scratched the back of his head, one of his nervous habits. "I'm trying clear the rest of the house tonight. And by rest of the house, I mean you and Ash."

Kane smirked then nodded. "That game got to you huh?"

Johnny rolled his eyes. "No." Yes

Although he didn't want to admit it, yes it did. Not the game itself, but what happened after. When Lennon ran off, Johnny did too only he wasn't expecting her to maul him; that was his job. And despite the influence she was under, Johnny liked it. A lot. More than he should. But he rejected her. And he felt that he needed to make up for it. So if that meant a simple night in without the rest of the kids running amok, so be it.


"Blow me Washington."

"Ya know, I'm pretty sure if you ask Lennon very nicely-" Kane began.

"Fuck dude, are you in or not?" Johnny asked exasperated.

Kane snickered, holding his palms up. "Chill dude, I got you; I'd like some alone time with my girl too."

"Good cause there's this little island to the left around the bend that's perfect for stargazing."

"Thanks for the tip."

Johnny nodded, "no problem." And as Johnny turned away, Kane called out to him.

"Don't forget to put a sock on the door!" Kane yelled. Johnny growled, ready to murder Kane. Too bad he was halfway across the room, laughing manically.

Now I just need to rescue my girl from the bedroom she confined herself to.

End of 3rd Person POV

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