Welcome to the Party

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Sweaty bodies are pressed tightly against one another, alcohol spills from cups being held high above the university students. Music blasts from the speakers, rattling the ground beneath all the kids. Bass shakes their brains, making their already cloudy thoughts, fuzzy. Yoongi is dancing his life away with his Hoseok, celebrating the first time he's managed to get his boyfriend to come to a house party. They're having a great time, grinding up on one another. Their tongues mash together like two lost lovers, meeting each other for the first time.

Taehyung stands on the other side of the house, a half-full red solo cup clasped between two shaky hands. His eyes flicker around the people, wishing with all his heart that he could be literally anywhere than where he is right now.

When Yoongi said to Taehyung, 'come out with Hoseok and me,' he had not thought Yoongi had meant a stupid uni party. Then, almost as soon as they entered the house, Yoongi and Hoseok both ditched him to dance and get drunk together. Leaving poor Taehyung to sit and try and get himself drunk. All while he thinks how he could be doing this in the comfort of his own home. Taehyung looks down into his cup, watching the strangely orange liquid swirl around in his cup. He's not exactly sure what's in his cup, but it tastes like old mayonnaise that's been left out of the fridge for a few weeks. Taehyung places his cup on a nearby bench, deciding to call it quits.

Slowly, Taehyung tries to swim through the crowd of people taking up every conceivable amount of space. Only barely missing the drunk girl who's fake eyelashes are basically pasted onto her cheeks at this point's drink, as it goes flying through the air. Obviously, she shouldn't have chosen the nine-inch stilettos pared with the skin-tight dress that she can barely move her legs in. Taehyung has another close call, with a boy spewing up his guts. Maybe he should check what he's drinking next time. The tired boy has had his fill of overly sweaty, hormonal twenty-something-year-olds.

"Yoongi!" Taehyung calls out, trying to strain his voice over the loudspeakers. "Yoongi!" He calls again.

Second time around, Yoongi drunkenly swivels around, smiling woozily. "Taehyung!" He slurs, arms wrapping around his friend's shoulder.

"Oh my god, you're so fucking drunk!" Taehyung exclaims, pushing his friend off of himself. "I told you not to get drunk! I have no idea how we got here or how to get home!" Taehyung snaps, feeling the anger bubbling up inside him.

"Don't worry about it~, I'll call a cab for you," Yoongi reassures, attempting to pull his phone out of his pocket. Both Hoseok and Taehyung watch in a mixture of amusement and rage, as Yoongi struggles to pull out his phone from his pocket. Like he's lost all of his motor skill functions. "See, got it!" Yoongi exclaims, holding up his cellphone weakly, before the device slips out of his fingers, smashing to the puke-covered floor.

Hoseok sighs, shaking his head, "I can call Jungkook to come and pick you up," he offers Taehyung, who looks like he's just about ready to murder his friend at this point.

"Please," Taehyung sighs, longing for his bed and some peace and quiet.


Blood trickles down his red-stained fingers. Flesh clings to the massively spiked rings, as a sign of the destruction that they bring. "Now don't make me ask again," Jungkook growls, spitting in his hostage's face. The man tied to the chair weakly looks up, smiling widely, his teeth chipped, and lips busted open.

"You won't kill me, so why should I say anything?" He spits back, challenging the influential gang leader.

Jungkook's eyes glint with danger. Just as he's about to throw another punch, a sudden ringing is sung into the room. The gang leader stands up, looking to his guards standing in the room, "pass that to me," he orders, pointing to the sleek device on a table. A guard runs up, knowing his boss doesn't like to wait. And the dire consequences of making him wait. "Thank you," he grits out, answering the call.

"What do you want, I thought you were out tonight," Jungkook snaps, never bothering with greetings.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm at a house party, Yoongi is drunk."

"I'm not driving your dumb boyfriend home, goodnight."

"Wait! It's not him, it's Taehyung!"

Jungkook pauses from hanging up the phone, "yes?"

"Look, Yoongi got drunk, Taehyung doesn't know how to get home. Please come pick him up."

The gang leader thinks about it for a moment, glancing down at the man in front of him. Bloody and beaten. Even if he were to make it out alive, he'd never look the same. "You gonna talk?" Jungkook asks, raising an eyebrow. The hostage smiles smugly, shaking his head. "I'll be there in twenty, let me finish up here. Tell Taehyung to wait outside. Make sure he's safe, or it's your head," Jungkook snarls, hanging up the phone.

"Running off to save the day?" His hostage tries to tease.

"My business is done with you," Jungkook snaps back.


No matter where Taehyung goes, there seem to be people everywhere. Even out on the curbside out the front of the house. Where the small boy, unfortunately, has to wait. Sitting next to the group of kids getting drunk off hardcore whiskey mixed with rum. While they debate what is the best season of some T.V show Taehyung is too uninterested in to know about. He looks longing into the road, waiting for his man in shining armour to show up. Every car that drives past makes Taehyung's head shoot up like he's a meerkat.

He's just about given up hope, ready to just curl up in a ball and just hopes that the drunks all around, eyeing him up and down, just decide to keep it in their pants. When finally Jungkook arrives. "Taehyung, ready to go?" He asks, pulling up to the curb. Taehyung feels an overwhelming wave of relief wash over him, he jumps up like a rabbit. "You must've really hated that party," Jungkook jokes, as Taehyung eagerly tries to get in the car, unable to open the door fast enough.

"I was never told that I was going to a house party in the middle of suburban paradise," Taehyung defends, buckling up. "I thought we were going to go to a movie, maybe even dinner. Something that doesn't require having to pretend that I like talking to the drunk girl complaining about her boyfriend," he spits.

Jungkook chuckles at Taehyung's little antics, "I can guess you're not one for raves then."

"Over my cold dead body."

"You're funny, Taehyung," Jungkook mutters, shaking his head.

The boy frowns, turning to look at Jungkook, "what do you mean?" He asks, pouting adorably.

Jungkook smirks, "doesn't matter. You must be tired, try and sleep."

Taehyung appears to almost shrink away at the suggestion, his attitude suddenly flattening, "yeah, I'll try," he whispers. Jungkook glances at the boy, taking mental notes on how quickly he shut down at the mention of sleep. Like pulling the cord on the T.V, he went from having some life within his empty shell, back to having it stomped out of him. The gang leader assesses the boy, studying him secretively.

Somehow, this only intrigues Jungkook more. What secrets is this mysterious boy hiding? He decides not to push any questions, they barely know each other, and it's late. From experience, Jungkook knows this is no way to get an answer.




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