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Pretty boys.

About the only thing, Jeon Jungkook hates. Pretty boys. They'll prance around with their guns held high about their heads, claiming they don't care if they get shot. They'll steal and scavenge like the true little rats they are. Scuttling around like the good for nothing roaches they are. They won't pull the trigger if their hair doesn't look right. If it's slightly ruffled from the fight. Or if their suit doesn't fit right, they won't leave their safe holds. Pretty boys in the gang world, are truly lower than scum. According to Jungkook. He sits hunched over a laptop, the only sounds bouncing off the dorm room walls is the rapid typing and the soft rise and fall of Taehyung's breathing.

Sleepovers, something Jungkook is still getting used to. But, they're growing on him quickly. Something about being just a mere ten meters away from possibly his favourite person. It has the fearsome gang leader's heart doing hurdles. Jungkook takes a quick peek over his shoulder to check up on Taehyung. The angel has about fifteen assortments of blanks heaped over him. Soft brown orbs stare back into Jungkook's, scaring the living shit out of the gang leader. "Jesus Christ Tae, how long have you been awake?" Jungkook asks.

"Since you woke up and started doing work," Taehyung shrugs, "and since when did you start calling me Tae?" Jungkook sighs, closing the laptop lid. His hunt for Daejung can wait. A sleepy goddess is sitting right in front of him. Taehyung silently beckons Jungkook for bed, rolling over on the plush mattress. The fearsome gang leader slowly crawls into bed beside the small kitten-like boy. "You don't have to stop working, I'm just going to go on my phone," Taehyung mumbles, feeling the bed slowly dip with the added weight. Soft lips press up against the nape of his neck.

"What if I want to?" Jungkook whispers back. Taehyung swears he can feel his heart skip several beats. A sudden lightness in the air makes the dead-eyed boy's stomach fill with butterflies, all swimming around making him feel some kind of way. The two lay in comfortable silence, with Jungkook, pressed flush up against Taehyung's back. Delicate breaths tickle Taehyung's neck, comforting him. "Are you sure you're okay with this? You know who I am, yet you pretend like you are still ignorant," Jungkook suddenly mumbles. Sleep is obviously heavy in his voice.

Silence fills the room for a few seconds. Taehyung takes the time to feel Jungkook's strong arms wrapping around his waist. Their fingers intertwine, Taehyung is able to feel each of the grooves in the many rings littering the veiny hands. The same hands that have come to many people's demise. The exact same ones which are bringing warmth to this cold night. Taehyung traces over the grooves of a koi fish ring, the cold metal feeling like ice against the warm tips of his fingers. There is nothing dangerous about this man. "I'm okay with this, Taehyung replies. Doubts he once had, all washing away. Just like how the river washes away the remanence of the storm. Jungkook's cold hands wrap around Taehyung's ones, giving them a protective squeeze. His actions trying to say, 'I'm not going to hurt you. This is going to be okay.' Taehyung's heart and mind are put to rest.


"What kind of fucking idiot would try to defy me? I'm the new head on the fucking block, I'll have your skin as a rug," spit flies out to the club owner's face. "I tell you I'm the new bitch in town, I tell you this is how things are gonna go down from now on. And you keep secrets from me. It would've all been in your best interest to just tell me that someone was going behind my back." Daejung death glares his club owner. "So you got nothing to say then?" He growls.

The club owner, completely unmoved replies, "you use guns and men to control what little you have. It's nothing much of gang other than a few strip clubs. You've killed maybe two people. And you couldn't even detect when someone was going behind your back. You are no ruler and no gang leader. I fear Jeon more than you." Daejung's face drops, his eyes becoming soulless and he raises a shiny silver gun to the strip club owner's forehead. "And you can shoot me for that. But I sure as hell wouldn't," the club owner threatens.



People run around the compound, blood is strewn everywhere as they try to give adequate care of the many bullet holes and blood leaking out over the freshly cut grass. Another shootout, more blood to clean up, more bodies to hide. But most importantly, and probably the scariest part. Telling the big boss. The night air is cold, with a robust metallic taste laced throughout. People scream and shout to each other, disturbing the usual peace within the dangerous drug farm. Hoseok steps out of the main office, wondering what all the commotion is about. A guard on a stretcher runs past him the moment Hoseok's foot steps out the office door. "What the fuck is going on?" Hoseok snaps, turning to a guard running past holding bags full of bandages.

"There was a massive shoot out at the Downtown Eagle, call Mr Jeon!" The guard yells to his boss, before continuing to run and help out with patching up the remains.

Hoseok's eyes are blown wide, as he quickly takes off down into the compound grounds. All around, people are groaning in pain, blood is spread all over their clothes, staining their skin. Hoseok quickly turns around, rushing back to the main office, ignoring the calls for extra disinfectant, bandages and so on. Upon stepping back into the office, Hoseok realises just how coated the grass is in blood. A perfect red shoe imprint stains the floor beneath him. Hoseok pulls out his phone, punching in the numbers of his boss. The ringing bounces off the walls inside Hoseok's head, with each passing ring making him even tenser.

"This better be fucking good," a groggy voice growls, anger heavy throughout his voice.

Hoseok swallows his fear, "there was a shootout." The receiver goes silent, the hollow beeping signifying that the line has gone dead. Hoseok can feel a rock drop into his stomach, already knowing the deep shit they're all in once Jungkook arrives at the compound. If there has been one thing Hoseok has learned in the past four years of knowing Jungkook, it would be to never wake him up. Now not only has Hoseok woken up the dangerous leader, but he's also had to give him quite possibly the worst possible news. God knows if they'll make it out alive tonight. Hoseok sighs, putting the phone down.

It's going to be a long night.






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Gangs // k.t.h + j.j.k [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now