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All eyes look their gang leader up and down, some with their mouths agape, as a woman walks behind him, head bowed. Jungkook continues to storm through his compound, moving into his office with haste. The mysterious girl following closely behind. "Okay, let's get one thing straight," Jungkook announces upon hearing the click of his office door close. "Don't go around trying to start shit, no one here likes you, and no here is going to like you," the venomous words make Hyejin bow her head deeper with every spiked insult. Silence encompasses the two as Jungkook takes a few extra seconds to bore his eyes into Hyejin, making sure the deep hatred radiates off oh him. The gang leader then goes to call his loyalists into his office. "You, stand over there," Jungkook orders, pointing to the back corner of his room.

Hyejin follows through obediently, heartbreaking with every step. Her head swims with thoughts, just how deeply did Jungkook once care for her? How far has that love gone? Only a few minutes pass, all in complete silence before there's a knock at the door. Jungkook's three loyalists plus Yoongi all enter the room. All of their eyes fall upon Hyejin, banished into the corner. "Who's this?" Hoseok asks, pointing to the woman.

"That'll come in later, ignore it for now," Jungkook snaps, glaring at Hyejin. "What has Dae said about the clubs?" Jungkook questions.

"Apparently nothing out of the ordinary has happened, in fact, it has apparently been rather boring," Hoseok reports, glancing over to the woman.

The gang leader sighs, finally pointing toward Hyejin, "this, is Daejung's girlfriend," Jungkook introduces. Hyejin opens her mouth to correct Jungkook, only to have five pair of eyes burn into her. "She will be helping us find Daejung's compound," the gang leader further explains. "Promptly," he spits.

With permission, Hyejin steps forward, choking back her tears. "Daejung's complex is just outside of Busan, maybe a two-hour drive. There's no name for it, much like this compound but, I can draw up directions." Hyejin looks over at Jungkook, silently asking with her eyes if she may approach his desk. To which she receives a frustrated sigh with a reluctant nod. "The compound is out near Yangsan," Hyejin mumbles, slowly drawing up directions. Yoongi glares at the woman the entire time she does so, muttering a few hushed words to Hoseok. Hyejin bites back the feeling of being unwelcome. Jungkook's harsh glare bores into the top of her head. "This should lead you right to his compound, although Daejung also has several company buildings, he'll draw re-enforcements from there. You have to be careful."

Silence falls over the room for a few beats, before the gang leader finally speaks up, "stand outside," Jungkook growls to Hyejin. With terrified eyes, she nods, taking her leave. The moment the door clicks, Jungkook starts planning."Okay, Hoseok, call up Daegu, Ulsan and Gimhae. Just tell them to get here," Jungkook orders, earning a nod from his next in line. "Jimin, you still have several contacts from the last resorts, correct?" Jungkook asks, to which the silver-haired male nods. "Call them up, and tell them to get as many people as they can. Namjoon, you're going to scout out the area. Check to see if Daejung's little girlfriend's information is correct. Don't get shot. Understood?" The room nods in unison. "Dismissed, and tell Daejung's bitch to get back in here," Jungkook barks.

The men all start to file out, hushed words are exchanged, and Hyejin re-enters the room. A furious expression is written across her face. "What the fuck was that? I'm helping you here," Hyejin exclaims, throwing her arms around. "Why did you embarrass me like that?" She hisses. Jungkook merely turns his back to the hysterical woman. "I don't have to help you, I could've let you run around and chase your own tail. I'm doing you a favour here! I demand more respect!"

"You would've gotten that respect if you didn't walk out on me three years ago," Jungkook spits back, inspecting his gun. Specks of blood still litter through the designs.

Hyejin scoffs, "don't you love me? I thought you were always going to love me, we had a future planned. Are you really going to throw it all away for some stupid boy?"

"You're still just as insane as you left," Jungkook growls, a hard warning laced in his voice. "And watch your fucking mouth. I wouldn't care if you died right now."

Becoming bolder, Hyejin snorts. "As if, you still love me, I know you do. This passing boy is the only thing keeping us apart. Maybe we should kill Daejung and Taehyung," Jungkook's eyes widen, his jaw gritting. "Then we can be together, we can do up our little cabin. We can have the future you always wanted."


Blood sprays around the room, as Hyejin feels a particular heat in her collarbone. Looking down, blood starts to soak through her clothes. Looking back up, Jungkook, now facing Hyejin, has a smoking gun. Hyejin's eyes fill with water, her legs giving up on her. "Now I'm going to leave you out back, no food, no water. For three days. Just like how I was left out in the woods. If you survive, then I'll give you all the help you need. Let's see how Daejung acts with your head on the block."


"My, my, who knew just a few days in the icebox, and then I've made you my bitch," Daejung groans, snapping his hips faster and faster. Taehyung's blank eyes stare upwards. Tears are no longer shed, emotions are no longer shared. Finally, Taehyung has completely shut off all systems. Merely just a body impersonating a human. The familiar warm liquid quickly fills Taehyung. Daejung's loud moaning blending into the white noise. Usually, Taehyung would feel the eyes, the jeers from Daejung's guards as they all watch. Not anymore. Cum leaks out of Taehyung's asshole, yet not even that makes the boy flinch anymore. Thoughts don't seem to run through his mind anymore. Everything has gone quiet.

As per usual, Taehyung feels Daejung up off him, the line up beginning. All of Daejung's guards will queue up and see who can inflict the most harm. Get the best reaction. A sick, twisted game that they're all obsessed with. Lewd comments are whispered into Taehyung's ear as they push his arm out of its socket. The once golden honey skin has become a black, purple, blue and bloody mess.

Sometimes they'll taunt the distinct indent of Taehyung's self-hate. Where his nails have dug into his flesh and picked around. Trying to rid himself of the feeling of being dirty. All except that damn koi fish tattoo. Where the sense of a million tiny spiders crawls around the most. When Daejung saw Taehyung trying to pull the ink from his skin, Daejung tied the abused boy upside down and beat him until he passed out. The tattoo remains untouched. Untainted.

Tears no longer come to Taehyung's eyes anymore. Even when he tries to scream, cry for help. Nothing ever seems to work. A certain numbness has entirely taken over his body and ravaged it to the point of no return. Taehyung feels the cold metal of a hunting knife pressing up against his throat, something about needing to give them a reaction rings through Taehyung's ears. Although the boy can't respond, after retreating to the depths of his mind, there is no return. Warm blood trickles down Taehyung's neck, pooling up into is deep collarbones. Food and the need to eat has merely become an option these days. The thin cut along Taehyung's throat begins to sting, not enough to hurt him fatally but enough to know that their threats are not a joke.




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Gangs // k.t.h + j.j.k [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now