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Emotionless eyes stare up at the ceiling, body completely immobilised, soul entirely desensitised. Not even a flinch is given as the nurses come to clean up the cum leaking out of Taehyung. As well as his cum stained stomach and thighs. Silence occupies the room, the nurses unsure if they should talk to the broken boy. He seems almost dead if it were not for the slow rise and fall of his chest. Nervous glances are exchanged between the females, "sir, we have some clothes for you. Please get changed, the guards will get you in ten minutes," one of the nurses explains softly. No response. She opens her mouth once again, before a second nurse comes up, placing a hand on her shoulder. The first nurse gives a look of confusion before the second nurse points out the tears rolling down Taehyung's puffy cheeks.

Without any further noise, the room empties itself all expect for the abused boy. How many hours had he been thrown around for? Used as a toy for Daejung and his gang members? With shaky hands, Taehyung gingerly begins to dress. Yet every brush of skin upon skin makes the boy crumble like his brain can't even recognise his own hands from his attacker's. For the next five minutes, Taehyung only sits, blankly staring forward. His body feels hollow. Daejung's minions burst through the doors, no attention is paid. "Come on, whore, up you get," one of the guard snickers, earning himself a high-five from his friend. Taehyung doesn't move, doesn't speak. Doesn't think.

"What, are you ignoring us now?" The second minion asks, sizing the boy up. An angry expression slowly writing itself across his face. Yet the abused boy still doesn't answer, his soul and mind so far gone that his body seems to just be like a discarded snakeskin. A sharp punch lands on Taehyung's face, knocking the boy to the floor. Only then does he slowly stand up. "Slut," the guard spits, pushing Taehyung into motion. Daejung's guards lead Taehyung back to a particular cell, throwing the boy in there as if he's nothing.

The loud clanking of chains rattles through the cell, as Seokjin immediately reaches forward for the broken boy. Only to be halted by the heavy collar around his neck. "Taehyung, Taehyung oh my god," Seokjin sobs, cuffed hands desperately reaching out to his friend. Glassy eyes stare blankly at Seokjin. Shakily, Seokjin starts hysterically sobbing, his head crashing down into his hands. "I'm so sorry..." he apologises, attempting to reach out once again.

No response. Only tears, as Taehyung's eyes, too, start welling up with the hot liquid. Pouring over like clogged sink. The guards look on, with a few passing comments of the boy being pathetic. Before walking back off to their duties. Taehyung carefully sits up, his body in more pain than it has ever been. "They hurt me, Hyung. They hurt me..." He whispers, seemingly unaware of the tears falling from his eyes. "They hurt me..." His voice is barely audible.

Seokjin sobs into his hands. No words need to be exchanged as they both observe the open wounds. All tears are immediately halted once that sickening face appears at the bars. "My darling, how do you feel?" The greasy voice taunts. Taehyung sinks back into his mind, desensitising himself once again. "Come, now that I believe you'll behave, let's go get that pretty little kimono on you," he coaxes. Two guards file into the cell, roughly picking up Taehyung and presenting him to their boss. Like he's some prize to be won. "You'll look so pretty next to me. Maybe I'll even have you kill Mr Jeon yourself, then you'll truly be mine," Daejung dreamily sighs. His rough finger coming to caress Taehyung's cheek. With no warning, the abused boy's head quickly snaps to the side, and he bites down as hard as he possibly can onto Daejung's finger. "YOU LITTLE BITCH!" Daejung cries, pulling back out of Taehyung's grip.

A drop of blood falls to the floor, drawing attention to the small cut Taehyung managed to achieve. Rage fills Daejung's eyes, reflecting the danger Taehyung has just subjected himself to, "send him to the icebox," Daejung snarls. "Make sure he learns his lesson."






Everyone flinches with every bullet going off. Yet no one dares to speak up, all standing in perfect rows as blood paints itself all over the floor. Yoongi sits inside Hoseok's office, knees pressed up against his chest as his eyes are screwed shut and hands covering his ears. Hoseok stands outside next to his boss, eyes are wide. Never, has Jungkook ever been this angry to kill his own gang members in such cold blood. The crimson liquid has stained Jungkook's hands, along with the silver weapon clasped in his hand. Innocent guards kneel in rows, silent tears streaming down their cheeks. The early morning is quiet, as all eyes are on the gang leader, wondering what he will do next. "The rest of you," Jungkook bellows, "get out of my sight, and make yourself useful."

Mere seconds pass before all action ensues, bodies immediately being cleaned up all around the terrifying gang leader. Hoseok watches in fear as Jungkook heaves over himself, breathing heavily. "Get Jimin and Namjoon, we plan the next step now," Jungkook orders, not bothering to wait for a response before walking back to his own office. 'Had I just gone to the kitchen with him,' Jungkook thinks, gnawing on his lip. Sitting on Jungkook's office desk, the white and blue packaging of Taehyung's forgotten Marlboro Blue cigarettes. The gang leader collapses onto his floor. The one time he let's Taehyung out of his sight. Worry takes over the gang leader like a disease. Jungkook cups his head into his hands, rubbing the blood of his dead recruits all over his face. Perhaps it was a bit extravagant to go out and kill the people who failed to catch the men stealing his Taehyung.

Soft knocking alerts the gang leader, whom slowly recomposes himself, trying to gather the strength to face his loyalists. Jungkook rises to his feet, "enter!" He barks out, taking his stand behind his desk. Hoseok enters in with Namjoon and Jimin, all solemn with their head bowed. Jungkook asses each of them, taking note of how all destroyed they look. Finally realising that they probably haven't slept for the past twenty-four hours. Fatigue quickly catches up with Jungkook, hitting the gang leader like a tonne of bricks.

"We're ready to begin planning, Sir," Jimin announces, drawing on the courage to speak up, hoping that his boss won't draw out the crimson-stained gun.

Jungkook stares blankly for a few moments. "No... Not like this," Jungkook finally speaks, falling back into his chair. "Daejung's plan was messy, uncoordinated, and we almost caught him. I'm not going to make the same mistake," Jungkook thinks aloud. His mind conflicted, with half of him wanting to bust into Daejung's compound right now and get back his precious boy. While the other half knows that if he were to do that, he might as well count himself, Taehyung and the whole gang as dead. "Put a team together, we need to find Daejung's compound as soon as possible," Jungkook plans. "Hoseok, find Dae and get all the information you can get off him. And then we need to clear our heads..." Jungkook sighs, eyebrows furrowing together. "No visitors, kill anyone who dares show their face to the compound." The three men, before getting their dismissal. Jungkook sits in his own silence, eyes boring into the Marlboro Blues sitting on his desk. Tears well up in his eyes, as shaky hands come to his desk draw, pulling out a packet of Rothmans.




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Gangs // k.t.h + j.j.k [DISCONTINUED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora