Rise and Shine

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"Get him to the car."

"Don't bruise him just yet!"

"No, you can't touch him! Boss will be mad."

"Come on the car is just up here!"

"How much of this shit should we give him?"

"Just get him in the back!"

"Fuck this shit is strong."

"Get the fucking shit in him, come on I'm driving!"



"Taehyung! Taehyung! Taehyung, I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry... Please!"

"Get off him! Someone chain this whore up!"

Watery voices and people fade in out of Taehyung's vision. His whole body feels like it is both on fire and sitting at the bottom of the ocean. Every movement feels as though he's laying on a bed of glass. With pointed shards piercing his skin at every chance. Weakly, he looks up. Several men crowd around a blurred male, cuffing metal chains around his neck, pinning him to the wall. Those men then turn back around, closing in on the fragile body. "No..." Taehyung whispers before darkness enclose on him once again.


"Oh, fuck... Yeah, he is a pretty one," hungry voices echo. "What can we do to him, boss?"

Lifting his eyelids feels like trying to carry the world. Bright lights make Taehyung screw his eyes shut once again until something comes overhead to block the brightness. Lazily, Taehyung opens his eyes again, groaning in the ever-increasing pain all over his body. The same sickening smile, the one that Taehyung was met with when this nightmare of torture began. "Rise and shine," the greasy voice greets.

Rushes of heat and anger flood all over Taehyung, a scowl spreads across his face. Immediately he tries to grab the filthy man's throat. Still, the excruciating pain of merely moving prevents him from doing any such acts. "Fuck you," Taehyung manages to grit out, blood instantly coming up to choke him. Pouring out of the corners of his mouth, the twisted man smirks, leaning down to kiss and lick the dripping blood off of Taehyung's face.

"All of you leave. He's mine," the corrupt man orders. Taehyung screws his eyes shut, wishing he let Jungkook accompany him to the kitchen. Maybe if he hadn't been so persistent on insisting that it was just the wind, and he could do this. Maybe then everything would be different now. Taehyung flinches at the sound of a door slamming shut. "I see why little Jeon would want to have to so close. You are most certainly gorgeous, so perfectly untainted... My..." greasy words slide around Taehyung's mind. All he wants to do is to crawl back inside his shell. All the work, Taehyung thought maybe he could be free from the prison of his mind.

Cold hands wrap around his thigh, jolting Taehyung out of his mind momentarily, "come now, you probably do this for your little gang at least three times a week," the sneaky voice snarls. Intrusive hands move further and further upwards. Just ghosting over his member.

"Don't... Don't fucking touch me," Taehyung tries to snarl out, more blood rising up out of his throat, throwing the blonde into a coughing fit. Red droplets spray all over the room, painting his attacker.

A loud groan bounces off the walls, "you're just as feisty as your little boyfriend, wait till he finds out you're not his anymore." Taehyung's mind goes blank, a familiar sound of a buckle coming undone. Then the fly comes down. Almost as if he's reliving his nightmare, all over again. "You were so sexy sitting in that little kimono, so complaint and pretty for Mr Jeon. Think you'll do the same for me?" The attacker asks. The hand now comes to clasp Taehyung's member, giving it an experimental squeeze. Taehyung gulps back a moan; hot tears start to prick at his eyes. "I even have a little kimono for you," the greasy voice whispers into Taehyung's ear. Teeth come around and clasp his earlobe.

Raindrops roll down the blonde's cheeks, only to be blown away by the hot breath of his attacker. "Oh fuck, you look so precious," the man groans, his hand now gripping the waistband of Taehyung's pants. Pain shoots all up of Taehyung's leg as he finally gathers the strength to weakly kick his attacker back. "Oh? You want me to stop?" The man asks condescendingly, merely forcing Taehyung's leg down with ease.

"Please," Taehyung whispers, the crystal raindrops rolling down his cheeks at rapid speed now. Only for those offending lips to come to kiss them away.

"Don't worry, it'll feel good in a little bit. Your body is already telling you yes," the attacker whispers, fingers coming back up to the waistband of Taehyung's pants. This time, with all energy drained from his body, pain circulating like an electric circuit, Taehyung is unable to defend himself. The cold air hits his member, making him whimper, more tears rolling down his cheeks. The calloused hand wraps around his member, "trust me, I'll make you feel good," the greasy voice smirks. Taehyung only sobs, spitting up blood. Daejung smirks, his own cock twitching at how helpless Jeon's precious baby looks. At his mercy. "Oh I'm never giving you up," he groans, a hand going down to pull out his own member.

Taehyung lets out a choked moan, hating to admit how his body responds to the actions this man does. Time seems to stand still, as a single finger enters Taehyung, followed by a vulgar comment. Another follows after some resistance, the two offensive digits start to work him open with vigour. All while Taehyung lays quietly and cries, blocking out all of the comments, Daejung continues to subject him to. "I'm not going to hold back, baby," the sickening voice whispers, as Taehyung feels the head of Daejung's member press up against him.

White noise. It's all Taehyung can hear. As if someone has flipped a switch, Taehyung finally retreats to his mind. Slamming all the windows shut, locking the doors and drawing the curtains closed. Darkness covers his mind. The boy hides, eyes becoming glossy as his soul crawls back to where it belongs. All the work that was done, with Yoongi, Jungkook, his therapist. All that work to finally start feeling again. Only to have it ripped away from him. A single tear rolls down his cheek. Taehyung starts to feel Daejung thrust up into him, the sickening feeling of his member inside of him. The sick, twisted man chuckles to himself, whispering things into Taehyung's ear. But it all sounds as if it's in a foreign language. Something alien.

"Come on, it's no fun when you don't fight," Daejung whispers, wrapping a calloused hand around Taehyung's neck. Still no response. Obviously, the boy is awake, just refusing to respond. "Oh, so you wanna play games?" Daejung snarls, a harsh slap meeting the boy's cheek. Still nothing. Taehyung retracts himself more, falling, falling and falling deeper into his mind. No actions or thoughts occurring. Only the white noise ringing, bouncing off the walls of his mind.

Something warm starts to fill Taehyung, and an icky feeling of grime covers the boy's whole body. A long, drawn-out moan scratches at the windows of Taehyung's mind. But he remains sitting on the floor, hugging himself. "Thanks for that, I'm sure my guards will have fun with you next," Daejung whispers, kissing Taehyung's temple. Tears roll down Taehyung's cheeks.

It happened.

It happened again.




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