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Bugs. Millions of them, crawling and writhing under the inked skin. Never ceasing to remind Taehyung how he is tainted. How Daejung took his wrists and pinned him down, used Taehyung's body for his own pleasure. The feelings of burning skin, and that no matter how much Taehyung itched. His inked skin will still be the product of Daejung's torture. Broken fingers nails scratch at the flesh as if trying to break through and let the ink pour. The dirty-blonde looks toward the clock on his bedside, the bright numbers of 2:07am look back at him.

Yet Taehyung is not granted sleep. Instead, the boy gets up, sluggishly pulling himself toward the spacious bathroom connected to what used to be Taehyung and Jungkook's shared bedroom. Now the gang leader sleeps either on the couch or guest room. Dead eyes gaze back and forth to each other in the bathroom mirror. Taehyung feels shivers travel up his own spine; even he is afraid of himself. Gingerly, the blonde rids himself of his shirt. The head of the koi fish is now visible. Taehyung takes a step backwards, tears springing to his eyes. Once a tattoo which brought joy, the symbol of Jungkook. Now the same tattoo prevents Taehyung from even being able to look his love in the eye.

Sadness. Tears well up to Taehyung's eyes. For the first time in a long time, the abused boy can finally feel. Feel the way Daejung's crawled across his body, gripping onto the inked skin. Kissing down while he satisfied his pleasure. "NO!" Taehyung screams, a hard fist coming up to the glass, shattering it. Watery eyes trail down to the head of the koi fish, now millions of the broken reflection staring back. The feeling of hands crawls up Taehyung's body.

Sadness quickly mixes with anger. In Taehyung's wrath, the blonde storms out of the bathroom, making his way to the kitchen. Knowing exactly where he's going. Shaky hands pull open the top draw out. Sending the draw and all its contents to the floor. A loud clang rings throughout the house as Taehyung watches the knifes spill out and over. The shining metal gleams under the moonlight. A shaky breath rattles throughout Taehyung's body as he crouches down to pick up the particularly sharp knife.

Quick hands pull down Taehyung's sweatpants to reveals the rest of the koi fish. A few beats of silence cover the blonde, as his erratic breath slows. Before the knife is brought down to the soft flesh just above. Bloods spills over.



Jungkook wakes up with a start, as the sound of metal hitting the floor rips the gang leader from his dreamland. Confusion clouds Jungkook's sleepy mind, the sound replaying over in Jungkook's mind. Distorting itself and falling in and out of focus. Until the clanging noise finally makes sense. "Taehyung," Jungkook growls, a hand coming under his pillow to retrieve his favourite silver handgun.

Not another second is wasted before the gang leader is running into the living room, ready to defend his love from anyone. Until he finds the threat is Taehyung himself. A glinting knife digging deep into his skin. Jungkook's whole world stops for a split second, as he tries to rationalise the imagine of Taehyung cutting out the koi fish from himself. But not a thought is spared before the gang leader is sprinting over to the blonde.

Time seems to blur as the Taehyung's wrist is quickly taken ahold of, the knife being thrown across the house. No thoughts manage to pass through the gang leader's mind as he grabs ahold of Taehyung, wrapping his arms around his love. "LET ME GO! I NEED TO DO THIS!" Taehyung shrieks, his weak arms beating against Jungkook's muscular chest. "Jungkook! Jungkook! Jungkook, let me go!" The blonde's voice breaks, as hot tears roll down his cheeks. The gang leader doesn't say anything, his silence being deafening. As Taehyung's shrill cries turn into violent sobs. Jungkook's jaw clenches as his own icy crystals begin to race down his face. "Please... I need to do this... It's his..." Taehyung begs, his voice is raw.

Jungkook merely holds onto Taehyung tighter as the two fall to the ground. The blonde's desperate cries echo throughout the house, finally exposing the raw pain festering inside Taehyung's boarded up mind. "Daejung... He... I need to..." Taehyung cries, his arms weakly trying to grab the knife again. Jungkook only wraps his arms around Taehyung more.

Taehyung falls limp against Jungkook, finally wrapping softly around his boyfriend's back. Feeling the tears of his lover on his bare shoulder, only makes Taehyung's heart clench more as violent sobs turn into delicate hiccups. "We're going to get you stitched up..." Jungkook whispers, his voice cracking halfway through his sentence. "Then, we're going to get the tattoo removed. No questions asked. But I'm not letting you cut it out of yourself. You hear me?" Jungkook asks sternly, now pulling himself away to look Taehyung dead in the eye. "I don't care if I have to stand guard all night. You're not going to hurt yourself because of what that BASTARD did to you. You will not pay his price."




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Gangs // k.t.h + j.j.k [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now