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"Wake up you fat bastard!" Taehyung whisper-yells to his boyfriend, kicking the man in the shin with his ice-cold feet. Jungkook jolts up from his dreamland, frantically looking around the room for any sign of danger. His hand moves straight for the gun underneath his pillow. "Don't fire the fucking gun, are you stupid?" Taehyung hisses, his delicate hand comes to grab the barrel of the gun.

The gang leader gives his boyfriend a slightly irritated look, "Tae, what's wrong," he asks, now noticing how alert the boy is. Shoulders tense, eyes blown wide and frantically looking around the room. One hand tightly gripping the barrel of the gun, the other trembling like a leaf. "What's happening?" Jungkook asks, his own senses heightening.

"I heard something," Taehyung whispers, eyes still scanning every window. "Well, obviously not one sound. It's been going on for about five minutes, I thought maybe just animals. But I just heard talking."

Jungkook sighs, slowly lowering his gun, "Love, it's probably just some guards doing routine checks. Trust me, I have the whole compound on high alert." The distressed boy sighs, his head falling into his hands. An overwhelming feeling of tears starts boiling up. "Come on," Jungkook whispers, gingerly pulling his angel into his chest. Soft sniffles begin to ring throughout the room. The dangerous man carefully leans back into the velvety bed, cradling Taehyung as he does so. All while the blonde begins to sob into Jungkook's chest. The gang leader continues to watch out the window with murderous intent. A quick glance over to the clock makes Jungkook's heart stop. No guards should be walking around near his house at this time. The next patrol should only be walking around at 01:15. Even then, with the strict orders of remaining silent the entire time. The gang leader merely whispers more sweet nothings into his loved one's ear, comfortingly running his fingers through Taehyung's hair.


Eyes remain deadset on the window. Watching, searching, for any sign of people or animal. Taehyung's mind is buzzing. Anxiety skyrocketing through the roof, with the only thing stopping him from going into a full manic episode is Jungkook's steady breathing. "Babe?" Taehyung whispers, finally tearing his eyes away from the window for the first time in twenty minutes. No answer. "Babe?" Taehyung whispers again, this time slightly louder.

"I'm awake," Jungkook whispers back, a comforting squeeze being delivered to Taehyung's waist. "Don't worry, I'll stay up until you go to sleep," the gang leader reassures. The timid boy nods, releasing a sigh of relief. Jungkook bites his lip in his mental conflict. Should he tell Taehyung about the foreign people outside? Mind buzzing with thoughts and plans of action. Jungkook has half a mind to activate a wide-scale compound lockdown, but that would freak his precious baby out to the point of no return. Still with the slight possibility of it all being a figment of Taehyung's imagination. Jungkook gnaws on his lip again. Mentally battling himself. All he wants to do is protect Taehyung.

Gangs // k.t.h + j.j.k [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now