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For the first time in months, silence has fallen over Jungkook's compound. Guards and recruits alike now report to Hoseok and Jennie, never daring to step a toe near Jungkook's office. Nor his quarters in general. Jimin sits across from Namjoon and Seokjin, who hold onto each other like it's the last chance they'll ever get. Silent tears are travelling down Seokjin's cheeks. Yoongi and Lisa, whose friendship is quickly blossoming in these hard times, have passed out on the other couch in Jimin's quarters. The entire gang seems to stand in solidarity, all drug shipments pushed back, as they all give their condolences. "I think I can remember," Seokjin's voice cracks, making Jimin lift his head. "When Taehyung finally just retreated. Daejung... He had a torture room, the icebox. Taehyung, he retaliated from Daejung and was thrown in there. I have no idea what they did... But he wasn't the same," Seokjin whispers.

More choked up tears prevent Seokjin from continuing further, as Namjoon sincerely kisses the top of his boyfriend's head. Jimin sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. Anticipation is high in the air, as everyone waits for Hoseok's return. "I thought everything would die down when we found Taehyung and Seokjin," Yoongi whispers. Having arisen from his slumber a few minutes ago. "But now we rarely see Hoseok or Jennie because they've basically had to take over the gang. And no one has heard from the man who runs this fucking thing! I haven't seen my best friend in a month, and now I'm not even allowed to talk to him!"

Jimin's eyes soften as he feels his heart twist. "Jungkook... Jungkook knows what he's doing, just trust me. Hoseok will come back and tell us everything. Jungkook's just worried, he blamed himself for Taehyung's disappearance. It'll be okay," the silver-head reassures. Offering a half-hearted smile.

Another blanket of silence falls over the room until the door slowly creaks open. All eyes turn to the visitor. Hoseok stands in the doorway, obviously tired. With four prominent red lines running down his cheek. Yoongi rises to his feet, running over to cup his lover's face in his hands. "What happened?" Yoongi asks, worry consuming him.

"We all need to sit down. I'm fine. You can stop worrying," Hoseok explains, his voice stern. Namjoon's eyes cloud with a doubt, which is silently projected to his friend. "Look, Taehyung lashed out at me." The whole room stills.

"Taehyung... I understand he went through a lot, but he'd never hurt his friends," Seokjin whispers, unable to believe what he hears. "He was never violent when we were sitting in the cell together."

Hoseok takes a shaky breath, trying to keep his emotions in check. "Taehyung's been through a lot. I got too close to him, and he just tried to protect himself. It's not just me. Jungkook has been sleeping on the couch. Taehyung isn't responding to anything. We have no idea what's happened to him. He's just... scared."

Yoongi gnaws on his lip, "let me see him." The short male demands.

"No. We can't risk anything. We have no idea what's happened to Taehyung," Hoseok explains, grabbing onto his boyfriend's hands.

"No. I know what's happened. This has happened before. I need to see Taehyung!" Yoongi demands, pulling his hands away. "I need to see my friend, Hoseok."


Not even a pin in dropped within Jungkook's house. As Taehyung sits upright on the living room couch. His blank eyes staring coldly into the wall. While Jungkook stands in the kitchen, a white cloth turning red pressed against his arm. The gang leader bites his lip, looking at his lover in his broken state. Not able to get close enough to even dress his wounds. "Taehyung..." Jungkook calls, his heart heavy, as the blonde doesn't respond. "I love you..." the gang leader whispers, tears welling in his eyes. Slowly, Taehyung's head turns to his lover. A knock on their door disturbs the peace. Jungkook silently curses whoever his visiting as he rushes to get the door. Standing before him, Hoseok and Yoongi. "No visitors, I told you this Hoseok," Jungkook growls, shooting daggers to Yoongi.

"Shut the fuck up, that's my best friend in there. You're not keeping me from him. I know how to help him," Yoongi growls back, staring directly into Jungkook's eyes. Tension quickly rises in the air. "Let me in," Yoongi spits. "Now." Gingerly, Jungkook takes a few steps to the side, allowing the short male to rush into his home. "Taehyung?" Yoongi's desperately cries into the house, running into the living room. "Taehyung!" The short male exclaims, sprinting into his friend, collapsing on the floor in front of the blonde. "Taehyung," Yoongi whispers now, clenching his fists, as his friend doesn't even bother to move his dull gaze down to the male at his feet. "I'm sorry. I said I'd be there. I wasn't there!" Yoongi sobs.

Fat water droplets well up in Yoongi's eyes, racing down his cheeks, "I let it happen again, I wasn't there for you again! And now look where we are... Back at the beginning. I'm crying on the floor and you... You're processing." Jungkook and Hoseok look on from afar, biting on their lips out of stress. Tension is so thick in the air one could cut it. No one has been able to get this close to Taehyung without being hit. "I know you're in there," Yoongi whispers, his voice cracked and breaking. "I know you've been through more than I could ever possibly try to fathom understanding. You've built your walls to protect yourself... But you don't need them anymore, Jungkook, me, your friends! We're all here. It's okay now..."

A careful, shaky hand slowly rises, placing itself on top of Taehyung's own. The room almost freezes. Will Taehyung freak out? Will Yoongi lie dead on the floor?

At an excruciatingly slow pace, Taehyung's head moves down to look at Yoongi. His cold, empty eyes stare endlessly into Yoongi's soul, sending a wave of shivers down the short male's spine. But behind the barricaded door, Yoongi can tell Taehyung is in there. Overwhelmed, Yoongi breaks down, sobbing uncontrollably into Taehyung's lap. To the point where the dead-eyed boy's clothes slowly become soaked in the salty water. A string of apologises runs past Yoongi's lips, as his words become jumbled and mixed up. But still, no reaction is given. Carefully, Hoseok walks over to his boyfriend, gingerly pulling him away from his best friend. "Take all the time you need," Hoseok whispers to his boss on the way out of the home.

Jungkook hesitantly nods, afraid that if his eyes leave Taehyung, the male might just be swept away from him all again. Two comforting pats are delivered to Jungkook's shoulder before Hoseok takes his sobbing boyfriend away from the couple. Jungkook sighs, walking back into the kitchen, "I'm gonna make us some green tea. I know it's not much, but I've really missed how you make tea so well. Mine is always sub-par. If anything, maybe the god-awful taste will bring you back to me," Jungkook chuckles to himself. "I really missed you... y' know? I wish I came sooner... We just didn't have the men. I was afraid if we stormed through when we weren't ready... They'd kill you."

Taehyung's blank eyes stare forward. Yet inside, his mind is screaming. Trying to break free from his own imprisonment. But the house has been locked up, with Taehyung still inside. Terrified of everything, with his guard held high. Every time Taehyung's instincts push his friend away, a piece of his soul is taken with. There is no escape from this prison. Not while the feeling of millions of tiny bugs running up his arms and legs still exist. The desire to pick at his skin and fish out the little critters burns through Taehyung's veins. The suffocating feelings of that no matter how hard he scrubs, the feeling of being used will still taint him forever.




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