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Blood splatters decorate the white tiles, as the suture weaves a string in and out of the self-inflicted wound. Taehyung grips onto the edge of the wall, biting down onto his lip to prevent any unwanted noises escaping. Jungkook smiles sheepishly, mumbling about his sub-par patching up skills. The injured boy breaths a sigh of relief at the sound of the scissors cutting the string. More hushed mumbles of apologies are given, as Jungkook finishes cleaning up. "It's okay..." Taehyung whispers back, almost afraid to speak any louder.

After the pain subsides, Taehyung can admit that the feeling of millions of tiny bugs crawling under his skin has lessened. "You want me to come, just to make sure you get to sleep okay?" Jungkook asks, "I won't stay, don't worry," he quickly chases after his words. "I just thought, after tonight you'd want someone to check in on you. But I mean if that makes you uncomfortable then I won't, but I don't want you to-," Taehyung's angelic hands come to clasp over the gang leader's. Halting the man's rushed train of thought.

"Don't worry," the blonde's deep voice soothes. Jungkook smiles sheepishly, allowing for a few beats of comforting silence to fall over them. "You know... You could just stay," Taehyung whispers, unsure if his voice will fail him, "I just need us back... The old us. Just for a night."

Jungkook's rough hands wrap around Taehyung's delicate ones, "we were just separated for a while. No matter what happened while we were apart, my love for you is still the same." Hot tears creep to Taehyung's eyes, as a broken smile spreads across his lips.

"I don't deserve you," the boy's choked sobs crack, as the fat water droplets fall over his eyes. His long piano fingers come to cup his face, as the quite flow of tears begin. A certain warmth covers over Taehyung, has Jungkook's muscular arms come to wrap around his broken boyfriend.

Quite sobs continue to echo throughout the bathroom, as the dangerous gang leader treats his queen as if he's made of glass. "Taehyung, I've killed more people than you could imagine. I'm one of the most feared people throughout Korea. And yet you stuck with me, all this time," Jungkook announces, pulling back to look into Taehyung's watery brown eyes. "If anything, I don't deserve you. You are the one who keeps me running away from it all."

"Running... Running away?" Taehyung sniffles, rubbing the tears from his eyes.

"Before I met you, I was just about to ditch everything. Taehyung, I had been burned, I was getting to the ends of my ropes. But, you never ran away from me. You do a lot more than you know."

Taehyung takes a deep breath, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend. "I'm glad you didn't run away," he whispers into Jungkook's ear. The gang leader wraps his arms around his love once more. "Come, let's go to bed," the blonde whispers, feeling fatigue wash over him in waves. As the feeling of bugs, wriggling and writhing under his skin subsides when Jungkook is near.


The small tattoo parlour sits in relative silence, as Kai sits half-asleep in his chair at the front desk. The young boy is quickly jolted awake by the sound of the store bell opening, in walking the two males who he least expects. Jungkook and Taehyung enter, face masks and sunglasses used to cover their identities. "Sirs..." Kai greets, rising to his feet and bowing to his boss.

"We need a tattoo removed," Jungkook explains, cutting the formalities. As the two pull the no longer necessary identity covers. Kai's eyes bulge, surely the two aren't cutting ties. Not after just being reunited. And if so, why wouldn't the quick to anger gang leader just execute Taehyung? "Don't ask any fucking questions," Jungkook growls, "just do it!" Taehyung's delicate hand comes to press against Jungkook's chest as if calming the rising anger inside his boyfriend. A stern look is given, Taehyung's soulless eyes boring into Jungkook's. The gang leader steps back.

Kai hesitantly nods, unsure if his eyes deceive him. Has the untameable beast been tamed? "This way Sirs..." Kai instructs, awkwardly leading Taehyung and Jungkook off into the private room. The possible ex-couple stand within close proximity to each other. To the point where Taehyung's slightly shorter head is leaning up against Jungkook's board shoulder. Kai hums quietly to himself, setting up the necessary materials for the removal. "Now, I must warn you, removals aren't the best. There may be some smudges left over. Do you still want to go through with it?"

For the first time ever, Jungkook looks to another person to make a decision. Taehyung nervously chews on his lip, before nodding slightly. With a longing grip on the blonde's wrist, Jungkook lets the male slip away to so he may go lay down. Kai awaits a second nod, before smiling sadly pressing the tool down onto Taehyung's skin. The blonde flinches at the unexpected pinch, screwing his eyes shut.

Jungkook's watery eyes watch on carefully, as the man he loves removes the symbol of his love, the symbol of his gang. The only person to have ever received or even been considered to derive the koi tattoo now pulls it from his skin. Taehyung's gingerly opens his eyes, looking over to his boyfriend.

As the feeling of bugs crawling and writhing under his skin dissipates. Like a chain which has been so tightly locked, finally being unlocked. The remaining physical impact of Daejung's grasp burns away. Taehyung can finally let go of his breath. An overwhelming wave of happiness crashes over the dirty-blonde boy. As tears of pure bliss rise to his eyes. Kai halts all his movements, as he sees the boy crying on his table. "Does... Does it hurt?" Kai asks, unsure if he should keep going. Jungkook becomes attentive, walking over to Taehyung.

"No... It's okay," Taehyung whispers, his voice cracking horribly. Watery eyes look up to Jungkook, as a smile breaks across Taehyung's face. "He's finally gone... Daejung's gone..." Jungkook feels his heart break, as his rough hands come to clasp around Taehyung's, kissing the top of his knuckles fondly. Kai gives a smile to the couple, continuing with the tattoo removal. Taehyung looks up to the ceiling again, tears of happiness streaming down his cheeks.

"I'm free."


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Gangs // k.t.h + j.j.k [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now