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Oh, how they're cruel. Taehyung shivers in the antarctic room, as he feels the blood running down his stomach freeze to his skin. Bruises litter the once smooth honey skin. The poor abused boy sits on his knees, head to the floor. Daejung's men stand over him, looking down on the boy as if he's a pathetic puppy. Taehyung pays them no mind, concentrating on his breathing. Five seconds in. Three seconds out. Another hard kick is delivered to his ribcage, knocking the boy to the floor. Taehyung flinches, curling up into a ball. "Now, now boys," that greasy voice suddenly speaks up, Daejung appearing in the doorway of the cold room. "I think it's time you left us alone," the boss silently signals. The guards look at each other, smirking before walking out, "close the door and turn on the lights," Daejung orders.

Light suddenly fills the once midnight box, Taehyung flinches once again at the sudden change of brightness. "Come little one. I just couldn't stop thinking about you last night, and how you acted out of line. Even giving my guards some trouble now, aren't we?" Daejung says in his greasy voice, which only makes Taehyung want to throw up. The soulless boy gives his attacker a blank stare, all the emotions having been sucked out of him. "I thought, maybe it's time to punish you once again..."

Taehyung slowly moves back, only to have his chained hands prevent any further backing away. Daejung, still with his twisted smile spread across his face, starts to unzip his pants. The abused boy's eyes grow wide again, the ever-growing need to cry starts to build up. Yet there are no tears that can be spared. "Don't be scared," Daejung whispers, the top of his boxers now showing. Taehyung shrinks further into his mind, desensitising himself for what is about to come. "That's it," the evil man hungrily growls, unlocking Taehyung's hands so he may push the unresponsive boy back onto the floor.

Grime, Taehyung feels dirty. Daejung's hand finally hooks onto Taehyung's pants, slowly pulling them down. "Oh, what's this?" Daejung asks, finally noticing the ink imprinting on Taehyung's delicate skin. "Mr Jeon even went ahead and marked you?" Daejung smirks, roughly running his thumb over the fish tattoo. "It's that adorable?" The attacker grins, "your pretty little face was just so memorising last time, I didn't even notice..." Taehyung leans his head back, screwing his eyes shut. Rough lips come down to kiss the inked skin. The abused boy swallows roughly that sickening feeling over never being clean suddenly crawls all over the tattoo. As if a million tiny spiders are scuttling all over it. Daejung groans, running his hands all over Taehyung's body. Bringing the nauseous feeling of being dirty with him.


"How long has he been out there?" Yoongi's hoarse voice asks, shuffling his way into his and Hoseok's now shared bedroom. Still wearing the same hoodie and sweats from the day when Taehyung left. His cheeks puffy and red, eyes bloodshot from crying. Hoseok looks up from his laptop, eyes softening at the sight of his destroyed boyfriend. Before bringing his attention to the outside world.

"I'm not sure," Hoseok answers truthfully. Jungkook had only left a note on Hoseok's desk that morning, telling the man to take over the gang for a while he goes off the grid. Hoseok will admit, the worry, now for, his boss and Taehyung is eating him from the inside out. There has only been one other time that Jungkook went off the grid. The gang almost fell into despair as their leader suddenly disappeared for two months. Many people had thought that Jungkook finally drove himself into so much trouble he kicked the bucket. No one knows what happened. All anyone knows is that when he came back, he had become the ruthless killer he is today.

Yoongi sighs, plopping down next to Hoseok, "I miss Tae..." He whispers, his voice breaking halfway through his words. Hoseok nods silently, wrapping a comforting arm around his helpless boyfriend.

Placing a soft kiss to Yoongi's temple, Hoseok mutters, "it's okay. We'll find him."


Three rounds. Three rounds and Daejung still isn't done using Taehyung. Cum is dripping down the boy's face, his throat hurting. As well as having it spread out all over his stomach and especially all over his koi fish tattoo. Permanently tainting the last precious thing Taehyung has. Taehyung feels the familiar snapping of Daejung's hips become faster, this time the gang leader finally spills his load out into Taehyung. A loud groan echoing around the warming icebox. "Ah... Your body is a blessing baby," Daejung moans, pulling out of the boy. He grins sickeningly as the way his cum drips out of Taehyung. The gang leader moves up to Taehyung's emotionless face, "I hope you've learnt your lesson," he whispers, kissing away some of the cum around Taehyung's lips.

Only then does Daejung pull up his pants, re-locking Taehyung's hands to the floor. "Now," he begins, looking down at Taehyung. "I'm going to lock you back in here, not because I have to. But because I want to," Daejung explains, chuckling to himself. Taehyung's eyes are downcast, body completely hollow now. The only thing running through the boy's mind is the word 'dirty.' Screaming at him over and over, as Taehyung feels move of Daejung's cum slowly pour out of him. Daejung's face morphs into a frown after receiving no response, "okay... Have a good weekend," he spits.

As soon as the door slams shut, the lights all flicker off, and the temperature seems to drop a considerable amount. Yet Taehyung doesn't even appear to notice. The boy's eyes flutter shut, trying to hide away from the pain. But on the back of his eyelids, play out how Daejung roughly grabbed his inked skin, came on it. Destroyed it. For the first time in days, Taehyung opens his mouth and screams. Tears quickly begin to pour down his cheeks, as Taehyung helplessly screams and screams and screams. Until his lungs burn and his vocal cords feel fried. Taehyung only continues to cry, even as the guards, who quickly grew tired of Taehyung's complaints, come into to beat the boy once more. Kicking in his stomach, stomping on his hands, punching the boy until his face his more blood than skin.

Silence falls over the room once a roundhouse kick is delivered to the boy's head, knocking him out cold.


Jungkook aggressively trudges through his woods, unsure if he's going the right way. His hands are covered in dry blood, his emotions seem to have been nipped. The gang leader walks steadfastly in a straight line until finally, he finds what he is looking for. A small cabin, one that has definitely seen much betters days. The gang leader climbs up the old, weathered steps. His hand tracing out around the withered wooden railing. Silently, Jungkook enters into the rickety out cabin.

The inside clearly isn't doing much better than the outside. A thick layer of dust seems to covered everything. From the stove which would definitely pose as some health risk if one were to ever use it, to the old double bed. Which would probably fall apart if any extra amount of weight is added. Jungkook ignores everything in the old cabin, strolling over to the aged desk, covered in scrawled notes and books. The gang leader brushes off the dust, reading the covers of some. His hand ghosts over some of the old letters. None really make sense to Jungkook. There's only one person who knows what they all mean. A loud creak suddenly rings throughout the cabin.

Someone is walking up the steps.




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