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Jungkook's eyes remain on the closed door to the cabin, his fingers already gripping on the handle of his gun. The air stands still, as the footsteps from the unknown threat outside slowly grow closer. The gang leader's eyes bore into the door handle, as it starts to rattle. It must've gotten stuck. Everything stands still for a moment, as the door rattling ceases.


The door suddenly bursts open, the gun is drawn, shots are fired. "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!" A familiar female voice shouts. Jungkook holds his weapon up in the defensive position, steadily aimed at the entrance. Slowly emerging from behind the doorway, steps out a person Jungkook never thought he'd see again. "Oh, Jungkook," Hyejin whispers. The way his name rolls off of Hyejin's tongue makes Jungkook want to pull the trigger. "I should've guessed it was you," she hums, shrugging her shoulders.

"What are you doing here?" Jungkook spits, slowly lowering his weapon. "This my territory, I could shoot you for being here," the gang leader snarls.

"Then do it," Hyejin scoffs, shaking her head. Jungkook looks deep into her eyes, searching for any sort of bluff. The gang leader almost didn't catch it, as he slowly pulled back the slide. A flash of worry runs across Hyejin's eyes, halting Jungkook's movement.

A scoff sounds throughout the air, as the gang leader lowers his weapon. Placing it back into the holster. "Why are you here, Hyejin?" Jungkook questions, crossing his arms across his chest.

Silence covers the room, as Hyejin looks down at her feet, biting her lip. "I'm here for those," she whispers, pointing to the notes behind Jungkook. The gang leader raises an eyebrow, clearly not believing a word she's saying.

"Cut the shit," Jungkook spits, scowling at the woman. "You and I both know that you're not after some notes from when you were clinically insane."

"Fine!" Hyejin sighs, throwing her arms up into the air. "I ran out of luck, I never should've left you, and you were right all along, that what you wanna hear?" She questions venom spitting out of her mouth.

Jungkook rolls his eyes, "so what? You're looking for a place to stay?" He asks, the feeling of betrayal once again building up inside of him.

No answer. Hyejin looks down at the floor, tears beginning to well up in her eyes. She looks up to the gang leader with watery eyes, "I did something terrible," Hyejin whispers. Fat water droplets roll down her cheeks. "I met a guy, and I really liked him at first. We were both out of our minds, insane with no ends. You'd say we were a perfect fit," she explains softly. Taking a moment to sallow the frog in her throat, Hyejin begins again, "and we were... Jungkook..." Hyejin finally collapses to the floor. Jungkook merely looks on, waiting for the rest of her story. "I was so mad at you when I left. I know now that you did nothing wrong, but I realised too late. We had plans to take you down. Kill you. Make you suffer..."

Jungkook's heart stops. "Where's Taehyung?" He asks, trying to keep his voice from cracking. Hyejin looks up with watery eyes, "don't make me ask again," Jungkook growls. His own tears now welling up into his eyes.

"So you really like him..."

"Yeah, he never shot me in cold blood and then walked out on me. Y'know after I even abandon my gang for two months."

Hyejin's eyes wander over to the bloodstain, still etched into the old wood. "I know you were just trying to protect me... I know what I did was wrong... But please, believe me, I never wanted Daejung to take Taehyung. Okay... I know what you're capable of! I told him it was a death sentence. Jungkook, Daejung is even more insane than I could have ever been."

"Where. Is. Taehyung."

"Daejung has a compound. I don't know how to describe it but please, let me just help you. I promise I've changed," Hyejin begs. The gang leader scoffs, looking at the girl as if she's nothing but an annoying child. "And after you can shoot me, drown me, bury six feet under. I don't care. I just want to do one good thing."

"How can I trust you?" Jungkook questions, "the last time you told me you wanted to do 'one good thing,' I was shot. And then left to die."

Hyejin sighs, slowly shrinking away, "how can I prove to you that I've changed?"

No words are exchanged for a moment, only the sound of the creaking cabin fills the empty silence between them. "How many times did you come back here?" Jungkook whispers, tears coming to his eyes. Hyejin's head sadly perks up. "I sure came here a lot, even after I had a bullet lodged into my collarbone, I thought maybe you'd come back. We could work it out."

"Oh, Kook," Hyejin sighs, earning an angry scowl from the gang leader. "We were never meant to be..." She whispers. "This," Hyejin gestures to their getaway, their old future home, "this would never have worked. We hate each other."

"I asked how many times you came back here. Not about our old future," Jungkook snarls, his mind burning even at the thought of it now.

Hyejin looks to the side, "I came back here a lot. Especially in the last few months. I guess I've been looking for you."

Another scoff fills the space between them. Jungkook shakes his head, "fine. Come back to the compound. But even one suspicious move, one toe out of line, and I'll have your head mounted on my wall." Hyejin smiles sheepishly. "And don't think I'm still obsessed with you," Jungkook further warns, "you are already dead to me."


Silence covers the cell, not even a pin is dropped. Taehyung stares blankly at the ground, as his hands busily scratch at his skin until it's raw and red. Already breaking apart in some places, with flesh and blood collecting underneath his nails. Seokjin looks on in quiet compliance, biting his lip to stop the stream of words that wish to spill from his lips. Taehyung merely continues to tear into his skin, maybe even unaware of what he's doing. All that rings through his mind is the need to be clean. Shed his skin. Pick at it until the crawling feeling of bugs ceases.

Taehyung's soul so far gone, hidden from the world. Locked away forever. The air feels thick with the unspoken terror radiating off of Taehyung. The abuse is so clear. Seokjin can't begin to imagine what else they've done to him. "Seokjin," the abused boy finally whispers, looking up to the man sitting across from him, chained and bruised. "What does the fox mask mean?" Taehyung asks softly. The elder's eyes widen in surprise. "Jungkook never told me... I have to know."

The elder's eyes soften, even if Taehyung's words hold no emotion, and his eyes and body are empty Seokjin nods. "You're Jungkook's queen. It means he wants you to rule with him. Which is not taken lightly, especially in Jeon's case," Seokjin explains. Taehyung only gives an inquisitive look, as if asking for more details with his hollow eyes. "Jeon has never, ever, given anyone the fox mask." More silence, as Taehyung slowly nods, his hands subconsciously going back to work, tearing into his skin.




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Gangs // k.t.h + j.j.k [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now