I'll Do It Myself

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Rough hands gingerly take soft ones like they are glass, Taehyung looks up at Jungkook, caramel ice cream smeared on his lips. A tempting sight for the gang leader. It takes all of his self-control to not kiss Taehyung's lips until they are cherry red at this moment. Jungkook studies the elder one's face, noticing how just for a split second, Taehyung's eyes are given some life. When Jungkook's rough fingers clasped around the smaller one's dainty finger. There was a spark of something, flashing in Taehyung's eyes. Something so different from the usual dead brown orbs. It took Jungkook by surprise. But he doesn't show it. Instead, the gang leader opts to continue staring at Taehyung's face like it's the last thing he'll ever see. From the gentle slope of the elder's nose to his mismatched eyelids, his long eyelashes which dust his cheeks whenever he blinks. The soft wisps of golden hair, which fall like a curtain over his forehead and the slim black ring, piercing his soft, plump, pink, pillowy lips. Jungkook wishes that he could kiss those lips until they both pass out.

"W-what are you looking at?" Taehyung stutters, becoming worried about how long his new friend has just been looking at his face. Nervously, Taehyung bites his lip unknowing of the effect it has on Jungkook.

The gang leader smirks, sending Taehyung's heart for a roller coaster ride. "I'm just looking at some art," Jungkook states before walking ahead, leaving Taehyung a few steps behind to process what the leader had said. As he still gets over the shock of confusing Jungkook with a sex god.

When Taehyung finally processes what Jungkook has said, the gang leader is already halfway down the path. "Hey..." Taehyung mumbles to himself, before looking up to see Jungkook getting away. "HEY!" He calls, running after the taller. Jungkook chuckles to himself, hearing the small angry footsteps run up behind him. Taehyung leaps onto Jungkook's back, clasping himself onto the younger. "You can't just clearly flirt with me and then just ditch me!" Taehyung pouts, as Jungkook readjusts the two, so he can properly give the shorter a piggyback.

"I think I just did," Jungkook quips back.

"Yeah well it's rude, don't do it again!" Taehyung insists. Jungkook is sure that if Taehyung were on the ground, he'd cutely stomp his foot like an upset child.

"Well, seeing how you reacted so adorably, I might just have to do it again," the gang leader flirts. Taehyung repeats Jungkook's sentence to himself, mumbling the words quietly before his face becomes crimson red. The elder pushes his face into the crook of Jungkook's neck, muffling out his adorable protests. Jungkook just chuckles to himself, hoping this moment could last forever.


"I'm going to throw you into a fucking acid pit," Jungkook snaps, punching the man strapped to a chair for the nth time.

"I... I'm sorry Sir," the worker apologises, or tries to through a mouth of his own blood, spilling out like a waterfall.

The gang leader snarls at his worker, "did I say you could speak?" He asks, grabbing the man roughly by his throat. The man shakes his head. "Then why open your mouth?" He growls, venom spiking in his words. "And if you were sorry, you wouldn't have been caught in the first place," he spits, Jungkook's grip tightens around the man's neck. The gang leader stares dangerously into the man's eyes before standing back, his hand falling away from the man's neck. YeJoon gasps heavily, panting like he's run a marathon.

Jungkook wipes his hand as if he's just touched something dirty, "you," he growls, pointing to one of his guards, "pass me the scalpel," Jungkook orders. The guard does as he's told without question in fear. "Now, YeJoon. Where is your mark?" Jungkook asks, pacing back and forth, the small knife twirling around his fingers.

"L-left side of my torso," YeJoon answers cautiously.

The gang leader smirks, sensing the other's unease. "You seem scared. Don't be scared," Jungkook taunts, playing with the scalpel as if it's a toy. "Guard, lift up the left side of his shirt," he orders. On instant, a hand is pinning the fabric back, displaying a small tattoo of a snake, coiling around itself. Jungkook's face contorts into a frown, "shame, I really do like the mark of my gang. But I hate people who don't deserve to be in it more," he snarls. The scalpel pierces the skin, digging deep into the soft flesh. All while YeJoon screams in agony. "Someone shut this rat up!" Jungkook barks.

A rope is fastened into YeJoon's mouth, as the gang leader continues to slice into the skin. Jungkook cuts around the tattoo, before pulling out the circle of flesh, ink imprinted into it like an embroidery. He flicks the bit of meat like it's dirt under his fingernails. "I hope you'll enjoy your new freedom, away from the gang," Jungkook whispers.


The gun from behind YeJoon goes, blowing the back of his head wide open, brains and blood ooze out of the wound like a fountain. "I'll do it myself," Jungkook growls quietly, deciding that he'll make sure Taehyung isn't taken.


"So... You and Jungkook," Yoongi starts, taking a seat next to his friend. Taehyung rolls his eyes, choosing to ignore his friend and continue working on his laptop. "Come on! I tell you about Hoseok and me!" Yoongi pouts.

"Yeah, it's always unsolicited and graphic. I know more about Hoseok's dick than his personality!" Taehyung points out. "You understand that I don't want to hear about how he can, and I quote, 'cum so much it could solve world hunger,' right?" The younger asks, raising a questioning eyebrow.

Yoongi snorts, falling back into the chair with a laughing fit, "I forgot I said that!" He exclaims, wheezing to himself. "Oh my, he really does cum a lot though, like you think it's over and then surprise! Like my hole was leaking-."

"OKAY ENOUGH!" Taehyung shouts, standing up abruptly. He's quick to sit down once the people around him start to shoot questioning looks to the two. "I don't want to hear about your sexual encounters," Taehyung snaps quietly, trying to avoid the attention. Already, he can feel his heart starting to race from all the stares.

Yoongi rolls his eyes, "you're boring," he huffs.

"It's always gross!" Taehyung defends, to which Yoongi just nods in agreement, snickering to himself like an evil child.

"I didn't even come here to talk about Hoseok, I came here to talk about you and Jungkook!" Yoongi points out, to which Taehyung only rolls his eyes, going back to typing away on his laptop. "Come on, I'll stop talking about Hoseok and me for like three weeks if you tell me!"

Taehyung gives an inquisitive look to his friend, "and you PROMISE this?" He asks. Yoongi nods, putting his hand on his heart. "Okay... I'm holding you to this. Anyways, so after you left Jungkook kept hugging me for like fifteen minutes, until I almost fell asleep. And then we went and got ice cream, and I took him to the abandoned park that I like, you know the one. Then Jungkook got a call, so we had to cut it short," Taehyung explains.

"Did you make out?"

"Yoongi I swear to god I'm going to strangle you and it's not gonna be my fault," Taehyung promises, looking up to the sky as if he's asking for help. Yoongi only rolls his eyes, knowing that Taehyung secretly loves him. "Jungkook did kiss my cheek, but like half of my lip, you know that like half kiss thing?" Taehyung asks.

Yoongi screams.




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Gangs // k.t.h + j.j.k [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now