Don't Leave Me

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Running through red lights, the sleek car speeds off down the dead streets. The passenger glares over at the driver, shooting fiery daggers at the male. The driver, entirely out of his mind, just laughs with psychotic intent. Fingers lace through his hair, pulling back on it. "I can't believe this shit," the driver shouts, his eyes blown wide. "I can't fucking believe it!" He screams, pressing down harder on the accelerator. The speed cameras flash as the car only continues down the road with murderous intent.

"Daejung, you need to calm down," the passenger mumbles, eyes staring dead ahead. The houses and scenery all seem to just blur around them. As if they've been spinning around. Eyes unable to focus on anything except for the fuzzy red lights, indicating the law they're breaking. Daejung, utterly deaf to the person sitting next to him, only speeds up. "DAEJUNG CALM THE FUCK DOWN BEFORE YOU KILL US!" Hyejin finally yells, her hands coming down to grip the armrest. The car spins around a tight corner, wheels lifting up off the ground.

"Apparently, I don't rule with enough fear. So, Love, I don't really care if we die," Daejung chuckles, tearing his eyes off the road to look at the girl beside him. The car only increases in speed. Hyejin grips tightly onto the door handle, knuckles turning white. Daejung makes dead eye contact with her, as his fingers slowly slip off the steering wheel. Hyejin's eyes expand to the size of saucers. "I don't care if this is the night we end up in our graves," the male spits. Venom spikes through his words, sending violent shivers down Hyejin's spine.

Time stills for a moment. Neither of them knows what to do. The steering wheel freely swivelling about as the vehicle only accelerates more. Hyejin and Daejung momentarily forget where they are, as they battle for dominance with their eyes. Who will look away first? Who will try and save them? Who is weak? Headlights shine in through their peripheral vision. Loud honking blares through their minds. Knocking on the walls of their insanity, trying to pull them out of their damn heads. Hyejin's hands relax, her deathly grip on the door handle ceasing. "Kill us then," she challenges. The headlights blind them.


"FUCKING BULLSHIT!" He yells, pushing over the expensive old wooden desk. All it's contents fly out onto the floor, glass and computer parts shatter everywhere. Jungkook breathes heavily, refusing to look out the window to his compound, where all the first response guards lay dead or dying. Tension lays thick in the air, as Hoseok stands tall, waiting for an instruction from his boss. Or perhaps to just be dismissed to go deal with the blood on his own terms. Jungkook heaves over himself, his knuckles white as his fists are balled up. "How many of the first response teams did we send?" Jungkook manages to spit out through heavy breaths. Hoseok wants to eat his own words, afraid of how Jungkook will react once he receives the information. "How. Many?"


The dangerous gang leader's eyes die for a moment, as if his soul momentarily left his body, an empty shell lay for a few moments. Before the raging fire, ten times over appears with newfound wrath. Hoseok stands tall, trying to bite back his fear. He's only seen Jungkook like this a few times. When the ganger leader becomes less human and more monster. There's no trying to talk to him or calm him down. May God have mercy on any captives when Jungkook is in this state. Not many will make it out alive. All will die within a week after. It's moments like these, Hoseok realises how Jungkook manages to rule such a large gang, with hardly any moles. Because he's truly and utterly terrifying. No one in the right mind would ever try to cross Jungkook. A man known for being ruthless.

Jungkook's jaw grits closed, his eyes foretelling the storm of rage and pain about to come. Taehyung has a twisting gut feeling arise within himself. The need to come to Jungkook's aid, pulling him down and out of his own anger tainted mind. This could end badly, Taehyung knows this. He's heard all the stories as much as the next person. He knows this could possibly be the worst decision he will ever make. Maybe even the last. Yet Taehyung starts walking forward.

In amazement, Hoseok now watches as the fox-masked male behind the dangerous gang leader, slowly makes his way, almost as if he's floating, to the insane Jungkook. Graceful and dainty fingers rise with hypnotising elegance, placing themselves down on Jungkook's shoulder.

Hoseok holds his breath. Ready for the special male to be thrown. For his fingers to be broken, for the fox mask to be beaten into his skull until the shards of plastic are morphed into the bloody beaten bone.

"Shh, come back to me, darling. Don't leave me," the surprisingly deep voice whispers. The elegant fingers gingerly massage into Jungkook's tense shoulders. Still, the gang leader doesn't react. "You're okay, it's going to be okay," Taehyung continues to reassure, gently snaking his arms around Jungkook's waist, gripping onto the strong male tightly. Taehyung can feel the gang leader's abs flex under the delicate touch of his hands. "Come back to me," Taehyung whispers once more, pressing his body flush against Jungkook's back. Taehyung bends his body down to match the haunched over position Jungkook has situated himself in. Taehyung's graceful arms hug completely around Jungkook's waist. The hard plastic nose of the fox mask presses up against the angered male's neck. The gang leader's pupils shrink to the point where one would have to search for any sign of them at all. Silent words are murmured into Jungkook's ear, Taehyung merely hugs onto Jungkook tighter. As if it'll be the last thing he can ever hold.

Hoseok stands still, maintaining eye contact with his boss all while watching in complete and utter awe as the scene unfolds. Knowing better than anyone else, Jungkook has a strict 'no touching' rule. Let alone when he's in a blind rage like this. The kind when he can't even speak, because the heat inside him has fried his vocal cords. The gang leader lets out a heavy breath, standing up straight. In doing so, he completely hides the fox masked male behind his massive stature. Soft peppered kisses bless the leader's hot skin. "Okay..." Jungkook sighs, slowly returning from the firestorm. "Okay... Save those left, get whatever you need to do so. I don't fucking care. There's a wood chipper out back, throw the dead ones away. Make sure they're never found. We start training new recruits early," Jungkook plans, pinching the bridge of his nose with one hand. The other is squeezing Taehyung's dainty wrist.

In amazement, Hoseok nods, unsure of what to do with himself. Not even himself can calm Jungkook down when he's in a state of so much anger he can barely hear. "R-right away," Hoseok stutters, his whole nervous system shaking. With a swift wave of his hand, Jungkook dismisses his worker. Hoseok nods respectfully, doing a full ninety-degree bow, before scurrying off to do his tasks.

"You can let go now, I'm okay," Jungkook whispers, gently squeezing Taehyung's wrist in reassurance.

The smaller male shakes his head, "I can feel you're tense... Plus you're really warm." Jungkook chuckles, leaning back into the elder's touch, finding the ordeal quite cute. "You're really scary when you get mad..." Taehyung admits softly, almost as if he's not sure of the words he utters. "I was afraid you'd hurt me..." he confesses.

Jungkook feels a sharp pain in his heart, guilt washing over him in tidal waves. Taehyung's scared voice rattling through his brain like a broken record. "Darling..." Jungkook tries to begin, but his voice fails. "I'll never hurt you. Trust me when I say that," the gang leader pledges. His strong words ring off the walls of the room. Taehyung takes a moment before humming.

Something tells Taehyung, this moment will forever change his future.




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Gangs // k.t.h + j.j.k [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now