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The man fidgets with his fingers, awkwardly bouncing on his heels in anticipation. To see Mr Jeon just around the compound is an honour, let alone being asked to personally meet with him. Dae couldn't stop bragging to all his fellow recruits about the fantastic opportunity. The silver-haired male skips back out of the room. "Mr Jeon will call you in when he's ready," Jimin informs, seeming all too happy nintey-five percent of the time. Dae stands attentive, nodding. "Oh, don't get your hopes up love," the male coos sinisterly, a sick smile spread across his lips. The new recruit gives a look of confusion. "Sometimes, Mr Jeon will bring someone new in, just to fuck with them and then fill their brains with lead," Jimin giggles, as if it's the funniest thing in the world.


"Isn't someone outside waiting for you?" Taehyung mumbles, lighting yet another cigarette, Jungkook only hums. Too busy fantasising about what he would do to Taehyung. Maybe pin him down on the desk and eat out his pretty little ass? Perhaps make short work of the male's golden neck. Have Taehyung whimpering from over sensitivity, consistently on edge but never being able to get that sweet release. Make the blonde suffer through a few dry orgasms until he's heaving and covered in hickies and sweat. Have him beg for his master's cock? Humiliate him? Chain him up and leave him with a vibrator up his slutty hole? The options are endless. "Hey, get the fucking door," Taehyung finally snaps, bringing Jungkook out of his little daydream.

The gang leader gives the boy an inquisitive look, "how'd you know that someone was at the door? You weren't even in the room," he asks. Taehyung only smirks, picking up the fox mask laying on the desk. The tantalising boy starts to walk toward the door, fastening the strings of the fox mask. Jungkook shakes his head, looking down back at his desk. Before realising exactly what Taehyung is doing. He shoots up, dashing over to the blonde boy to stop him from opening the door. "Oh no, you don't," the gang leader growls, wrapping his arms around Taehyung's slim waist. His secure grip lifts up the ethereal boy, walking him back to the desk and sitting him down. "No queen should ever have to get up," the gang leader smirks. The blonde shakes his head. "Number seventy-two! Come in!" Jungkook barks.

The door creaks open slowly, revealing a timid boy steps into the room. Obviously scared out of his wits. "Lee Dae, at your service," the recruit announces, standing attentive. Jungkook takes one look down to the boy's wobbly knees. The gang leader scans the boy as if he's a free magazine. The boy is clearly unsure of what could happen in the next few minutes. Jungkook gives a hard stare to the boy, condescendingly nodding his head. The gang leader wonders how long it will take the new recruit to realise that he is still yet to properly greet his boss. Dae, who's previous look of confusion suddenly turns into one of realisation as he bows to his boss.

"Maybe they should've chosen someone else," the dangerous man spits, walking back behind his desk. Only to unveil the most beautiful man Dae has ever set his eyes upon. Slim, muscle defined legs overlap one another, with a long loose kimono draping over them. The blue material slips off one of his shoulders, exposing more sun-kissed glories skin. So perfectly untainted and smooth. Slim shoulders are held back and down, fantastic posture. Dainty fingers hold the white filter of a cancerous stick. Utter beauty. As Dae's eyes travel further up the gorgeous boy's body, his eyes finally land on the fox mask, fastened firmly to his head. The new recruit's breath hitches in his throat. "Looking at something that's not yours?" Jungkook hums, giving a condescending smile, filled with spite and venom. Taehyung shakes his head at the two males, deciding to let them work it out while he finishes his cigarette.

"I... I'm sorry Sir," Dae apologises, bowing again. Jungkook looks at the man with disgust, his hand coming down to clutch the gun strapped into his holster.

"Down boy," Taehyung says nonchalantly, not even bothering to see if the gang leader is getting ready to shoot the poor boy. "Come Bubba," Taehyung sighs, putting out the cigarette. "Don't kill him for doing nothing," the ethereal boy sighs, giving the gang leader a disapproving look. "Just tell the kid why he's here and let him leave," Taehyung orders.

Dae holds his breath, waiting for a piercing headache before his cold dead body hits the floor. "Fine," Jungkook growls, his hand relaxing around the leather handle. Dae has the need to rub his eyes, unsure of what just happened. Out of all the stories he's heard about his infamous man. Never has one been about him behaving like a well-trained puppy. "You, number seventy-two, will be going on an extraordinary mission. You're going into one of the clubs downtown, Hoseok will tell you which, and you're going to just monitor the site. Keep records of everyone who comes in and out. Surveil everyone, make a note of every commotion that happens. I don't care what it is, even if it's just an unhappy client making a scene. Report any suspicious behaviour to me. You will start tomorrow," Jungkook orders. The recruit nods his head, showing that he understands. "Dismissed," Jungkook barks.

The terrified recruit scurries off, making sure to close the door behind himself. "You scared him," Taehyung sighs, shaking his head while taking another puff of his cigarette.

"And you're probably going to be what he jacks off to tonight," Jungkook rebuttals, coming to stand in front of the goddess sitting on his desk.

"Oh yeah?" Taehyung says, sarcastically pouting. The boy inhales another lung full of the cancerous stick, only breathe the smoke into the gang leader's face. "And what are you gonna do about it?" He questions, slowly leaning forward so the silk kimono barely even clings to his slim figure. Exposing more of the honey expanse of his chest, putting it just out of Jungkook's reach.

The gang leader stares at the boy with a primal hunger, "maybe I should show my little gang that they can't touch you." Taehyung only hums, leaning back now to take another puff of the cigarette. This time, Jungkook leans forward, enclosing Taehyung to the desk. His efforts are met with another face full of tobacco. "Only if you'd let me," the gang leader whispers, his voice sending sensual shivers down Taehyung's spine. The gang leader's eyes move down Taehyung's blessing of a body, imagining how exotic the boy would look with his back arched, cock pounding in and out of him. To the point where he can't even form a basic sentence.

"What's in it for me?" Taehyung questions, now laying fully back on the table. Silk kimono pooling around him. Jungkook has to hold back the overpowering will to teach this ethereal little minx a lesson. As the Taehyung's beautifully smooth, blemish-free, glistening in the golden light of the dying sun.

The gang leader shakes his head clear, "you'd get to be my queen. Anything you want, whenever you want. It's all your, Doll."

"Sounds... Tempting... But that's not what I want," Taehyung sighs, turning his head to the side to expose his honey caramel neck to Jungkook. As if putting an invitation right out there for Jungkook, wax seal and all. "What do we get out of this?" Taehyung asks, placing emphasis on the 'we.'

The gang leader draws a blank for a few beats, unsure of how to behave. Having an ethereal goddess, just laying out on his desk seems to be taking a toll. "Well, Love, we can be anything you want us to be."

The little minx smirks.




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