Take Over

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From out on the balcony, there is a distinct scent of cigarette smoke wafting into the kitchen which met Taehyung when he entered said room in the morning. The kind of cigarettes that clung to Daejung's shirt when he would pin Taehyung down and defile the precious boy. The dead-eyed boy freezes, surely, Daejung didn't survive. Nervous eyes scan the room, his legs already shaking. Jungkook is nowhere to be seen. Only a fluttering curtain, symbolising that the back deck's door is open. Taehyung's body freezes, there's no way Daejung is alive. He beat the gang leader's head in until it was a pulp on the floor.

With shaky hands and legs, Taehyung gingerly walks into the kitchen, opening the knife draw, his eyes never breaking from the door in which the scent of cigarette wafts in from. The smell of cheap tobacco. The cheap smell of Rothmans. Taehyung's breath stills, as he walks closer and closer to where the source of a possible attacker could sit. Have they already killed Jungkook? Dumped his body somewhere outback? All the possibilities run through Taehyung's mind, as his slow approach toward the back gets in closer.

Without any warning, the curtains begin to move, pulling back abruptly. In Taehyung's waking fear, he screws his eyes shut, turns his head and jolts the long bread knife forward. Pointing it toward his possible attacker. "JESUS FUCK TAEHYUNG!" A familiar voice shrieks. Cautiously, Taehyung peeks open one eye, seeing only the man he loves with a knife pressed dangerously close to his neck. Up to the point where is just barely pierces the skin. "Okay, it's okay. It's only me," Jungkook whispers, his hands held high in the air. The abused boy's grip on the knife slowly loosens, as he feels fatigue overcome his body.

Frantic eyes dart up to the items in Jungkook's hands, seeing the familiar packet of Rothmans clasped firmly within them. Another sigh of relief racks through Taehyung's body, as the knife is completely lowered and dropped to the floor. The jarring clang of metal rings out the room at the weapon hits the ground. Jungkook's sympathetic eyes well up with hot tears. The gang leader attempts to take a step toward his lover, only to be met with fearful eyes, a sharp contrast to the usual dead ones. Fear with a hint of aggression. "Taehyung... I'm so sorry," Jungkook apologises, his voice breaking. As if a trigger has been activated, Taehyung's eyes gloss over, as the boy becomes unresponsive once again.

As if his body is in autopilot, Taehyung walks off to the couch, taking his place to sit and stare blankly forward. Jungkook sighs, picking up the knife from the floor. He takes the time to look down at the weapon in his hand then to the dead-eyed boy sitting on his couch. Jungkook's mind buzzes with questions, as he begs to know what happened, so he can then figure out how to help his love. "You know Taehyung, today marks one week of you being back with us," Jungkook announces, placing the knife back in its respected draw. "Personally, I think you've done so well already. I have no idea what you've been through, but you just being here and just living with me, well that's already a huge achievement."

No response is given, as the blank eyes stare forward. Taehyung's mind fills with white-noise as the feeling of hundreds and thousands of bugs crawling under his skin creeps up the back of his neck. All running from that special tattoo. The one that used to be precious, as it used symbolised Jungkook's mark for the blonde. Now it's the mark of Daejung. And what he did to Taehyung.


Yoongi awakes from his afternoon nap, Lisa stills wrapped up in his arms. Groggily, the male stretches upwards, laying his eyes on Hoseok and Lisa, slaving over a computer as two of Jungkook's new recruits stand in front of them. "Hoseok," Yoongi's croaky voice cracks. Catching the attention of all in the room. "What's happening?" He questions, slowly dragging himself off the couch, leaving Lisa to continue napping.

"These," Hoseok seethes, his eyes burning into the two recruits, "keep coming to complain about Jungkook's absence. Because they apparently don't understand the true gravitas of the situation."

The two recruits roll their eyes, "look, we want to get on with the shipments and business as a whole. We had a week of solidarity. If we want to keep our spot on top, we need to continue business!" One of the men pipes up. Looking to Yoongi for some kind of support.

When the black-haired male's eyes narrow down to the recruit, the room becomes cold. "My friend was kidnapped, BEATEN and TORTURED for A WHOLE FUCKING MONTH!" Yoongi screams, jabbing his finger into the male's chest. "The man is so fucking traumatised by everything, he's gone unresponsive. Yet here you stand, thinking a WEEK in solidarity is good enough?" The two men scoff, rolling their eyes. "Fine then. Why are you here, complaining?" Yoongi asks, crossing his arms across his chest.

Hoseok gives his boyfriend a questioning look, "because these two are in charge," the second male says.

"What are they going to do? Jungkook is the one who runs this gang. He's the one calling the shots. Why aren't you at his house, complaining to him?"

"Because he'll fucking kill us," the first male states as if it were obvious.

Yoongi raises his eyebrows in astonishment, "what makes you think we won't kill you? Jungkook likes his gang pure," Hoseok adds, his tone of voice becoming dangerous. The tension in the room grows thicker by the second. The two recruits suddenly realise the hole they've dug themselves in, as a gun is pulled out.


"The people aren't happy, they're starting to lose their grip!" Hoseok argues, standing over his boss, with his arms tightly crossed across his chest. "Look, I'm trying to keep them at bay, but everyone is getting antsy, they just wanna start work again."

Jungkook, finally fed up with his right-hand man's argument, slams his hand down on his desk, rising to meet Hoseok, eye to eye. "If people are coming to you and complaining, then obviously you can't run this fucking gang. Even when we're not even doing anything!"

The tension becomes so thick you could cut it, as the two murderers stare each other, dead in the eye. The question being, who will break first? "Taehyung needs time with everyone. You need to take over your gang. Let us see him. He's not your fucking property!" Hoseok growls, challenging his boss further, diving headfirst into uncharted waters. Never, has Hoseok ever dared to oppose his boss.

Said gang leader takes a step back, almost offended by the challenge. "Do you want me to kill you?"

The words ring throughout the air, heavy with their promise. Hoseok takes a step forward, pulling his handgun from his holster. Placing the deadly weapon on the table. "Go ahead." The two men's eyes meet again. Without further hesitation, Jungkook picks up Hoseok's handgun, lifting the weapon up to his friend's head. "Killing me won't stop the truth, Jungkook," Hoseok's words ring with a truth Jungkook can't deny.

The gun is thrown aside, allowing the room to take a breath. "Fine... ONLY my loyalist can come to see Taehyung. And I don't want him to be alone," Jungkook growls, trying not to spit at the bitter taste of defeat. Hoseok nods, "oh, and if anything happens to Taehyung. It'll be your ass who pays for it."






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Gangs // k.t.h + j.j.k [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now