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"I just don't know what to do," Namjoon sobs hysterically, seeking comfort from a certain silver-haired male. Jimin sits with his back pressed flush against the wall, silently reminding himself of why he will never get in a relationship. While his fingers run through Namjoon's soft brown locks, he listens quietly to Namjoon's pained rant. "Seokjin doesn't even know anything, they just took him to spite me," the elder male growls, spit and snot spraying out like a broken sprinkler. Jimin looks down in disgust but decides not to say anything, merely observing the massive snot clump on his hoodie. "I'll kill him! I'll fucking do it," Namjoon snarls, a deep heat arising from the depths of his anger. Jimin hums in agreement, continuing the repetitive movement of running his chubby fingers through Namjoon's hair.

"Jimin!" Another voice barks, gaining the silver-haired male's attention. Hoseok struts up to the two, with another, smaller male cowering behind him. "Why have you stopped training?" He asks, a sharp dose of venom lacing his words. The short male considers just pulling out his hair, pointing down to the broken man laying in his lap with his free hand. Hoseok looks down at Namjoon with a spiteful disgust. "Get up, crying about missing your boyfriend is going to do nothing," Hoseok snarls. The coldness is voice making the air feel icy.

Namjoon looks up, eyes bloodshot with puffy, tear-stained cheeks. "Who are you to be acting like Mr Jeon?" Namjoon spits, glaring Hoseok up and down. Tension in the air growing thicker by the second, with the direct challenge from the club owner. Hoseok stares back down at Namjoon with murderous intent.

Just as the situation starts to escalate, Jimin butts in, "OKAY! That's enough," he gingerly lifts Namjoon up off his lap. "Just state your business Hoseok. And don't tell me you're just trying to flaunt your power to impress your little friend," Jimin snaps, rising to his feet. Although, he doesn't seem to be very intimidating, height-wise. "Hi there," Jimin then greets, smiling to the boy behind Hoseok.

"This," Hoseok begins, pushing the small male to the front. "Is Min Yoongi, my boyfriend, and I'm just watching him. It's not safe at this time," Hoseok states. The so-called 'Min Yoongi' is a timid little boy, Jimin concludes. With fluffy, inky locks, positioned so carefully, framing where his face would be. Had it not been covered up with a wolf mask.

 Had it not been covered up with a wolf mask

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Gangs // k.t.h + j.j.k [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now