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Hope doesn't light up in Seokjin's eyes anymore. When Taehyung was first thrown into his cell, the elder thought maybe there was still a chance for the two. Taehyung doesn't even respond these days. All of Seokjin's time is spent screaming out in anger to the guards until he's put into the icebox or one of their many other torture rooms. Sorrow fills the elder's heart whenever Taehyung is in his presence. Which becomes less and less as the weeks crawl by. Every time there's more wounds, more bruises and less of Taehyung. The few hours they do spend together used consist of at least a few words being exchanged. Now Taehyung merely stares blankly at the floor, digging into his skin.

Neither of the two hostages knows where they are, all they know is that it's obviously well hidden. As not even one of Jungkook's, many spies can't seem to find this place. Seokjin sits in silence, a rare occurrence these days. As so much anger has built up in him over the past three weeks. This time Seokjin decides to sit in solidarity with Taehyung. Choosing to value the short time he has with this broken, abused boy. Even if there is no communication, Taehyung's body speaks a million words. A story has been etched into his skin, displayed for the whole world to see, and Seokjin's heart breaks more and more.

Only one set of eyes move up when the sound of approaching footsteps echo through the halls, of course, that sick bastard is back. "Seokjin, I see you've finally calmed down," Daejung smirks, snickering to himself. The older male scoffs, looking away. The feeling of wanting to throw up only occurs when he looks at Daejung. "Taehyung, will you finally put on this little kimono I have for you?" Daejung asks, an obvious lewd meaning behind his words. "Get him," Daejung instructs his guards.

Hastily Taehyung is moved out of the cell, a heavy metal collar clasped around his neck. The metal chain-like leash is put into Daejung's hand, so he may pull the blonde around as if he's a dog. Seokjin gets up, wrapping his fingers around the bars of his cell, sympathetic eyes follow Taehyung until the boy is no longer in sight. Being pulled away like a misbehaving puppy. Instead of the usual torture room, Daejung pulls him up a separate set of stairs. Taehyung's head jolts upwards, seeing he's being led into an entirely different place. "This," Daejung announces, pushing open the door. Exposing a quaint little room, not much is in it. As if someone left in quite a rush. Yet, hints of a rose perfume still linger in the walls. "Is your new room, until you misbehave again," Daejung introduces, a hand wrapping around his waist to grip onto the koi fish tattoo. "All you have to do to get it is to stop putting up a fight about the fucking kimono," the gang leader growls into Taehyung's ear.

Inside of Taehyung's boarded up mind, a switch finally flips. His mind screams, out of everything Daejung has taken from him, one thing he will not accept. Is this. With no warning, Taehyung finally kicks in Daejung's knees, causing the male to collapse to the floor. Banshee screaming at the top of his lungs, Taehyung drops to the floor on top of the gang leader. Fists balled up tightly as he beats in the gang leader's face. Stomach-churning crunches are covered up by the abused boy's cries. Blood runs down the gang leader's face, staining Taehyung's fists. Daejung punches to Taehyung's side having no effect. As the blood only runs thicker. All of Daejung's pathetic attempts to stop the rain of fists are beaten down. Until blood drips onto the floor.

Everything soon stops when a guard rushes up behind Taehyung, pulling on the chain attached to his neck. Launching the boy backwards. "I'm going to fucking kill you! I'll curb stomp your head into the ground! Just you fucking wait! I'll-," Taehyung shrill promises are all halted promptly with a gag being shoved into his mouth.

"Get him out of here! Send him to the icebox, beat him! Bring him to the brink of death!" Daejung orders, as more and more guards slowly fill the room.


Noise fills Jungkook's compound, heavy footsteps running around everywhere. Many guns being shipped in from all of the gang leader's offices. Seemingly all of Jungkook's major branches seem to be in the facility. Important men rushing around, all trying to find the important big boss. Who has seemingly disappeared mid-action.

The forest is quiet, all apart from the occasional hiss from Hyejin. As Jungkook looks down at the girl, covered in dirt. Dry and crusted blood staining her clothes. "Please... I'm sorry," Hyejin begs, gripping onto her bullet wound. Her throat is dry and screaming for water.

"A nurse is coming out here in thirty minutes. I just came here to ask you a question," Jungkook states calmly. Unfazed by Hyejin's desperate cry for help. "How much do you think Daejung is willing to sacrifice for you?" Jungkook questions.

"Nothing," the injured woman chokes out. "I dumped him."

The gang leader sighs, rising to his feet. "We'll see how he feels about that," Jungkook mutters, slowly walking back to his compound. Hyejin's fists ball up into the dirt, desperate sobs fall upon deaf ears. As Jungkook's hate for the girl still rages on.

Slowly, the gang leader waltzes back to his compound. All the action boiling up over his head. Jungkook sighs sadly, his heart yearning to hold his precious Taehyung once more. There's peaceful tranquillity walking back to the compound. The tension only grows as Jungkook draws closer on his compound. Already hearing people screaming for him, panicking. The gang leader groans upon people noticing him. "Sir, Gimhae has only said that they can send a few minor branches of the gang. They refuse to get involved, what should we do?" A guard reports, running up to his boss.

"Get Gimhae on the phone now, transfer them to me," Jungkook orders, walking off to his office, ignoring all other calls out for him. Stepping into his office, Jungkook's eyes land upon the discarded Marlboro Blue cigarettes. Still sitting on his desk. A heavy sigh passes his lips, Jungkook doesn't have the strength to enjoy himself while Taehyung is suffering. Before Jungkook has time to let the tears spill over, his phone starts ringing. The eerie sound bounces off the walls of the office. Jungkook picks up the phone, "Jennie fucking Kim," he greets.

"Jeon Jungkook. I heard you're asking for some support," the Gimhae branch leader states, her voice as smooth as ever.

The gang leader grits his teeth, "I don't think I'm asking, Jennie. Remember I'm still your fucking boss. I control Gimhae. You refusing to cooperate is a direct challenge."

"Maybe me refusing to cooperate will finally knock some sense into you. We've been reaching out for support for months now," Jennie's voice is spiked with poisonous venom. "You could've basically put down this gang before it was even a problem. Yet I couldn't even get in contact with Jung. This is all on you," she spits.

Jungkook sighs, "what do you want, Kim?"

A pause runs over the call for a few seconds. "Some more respect would be nice. Instead of being transferred to some new recruit, who hasn't even personally met you. These little fuckers don't even know how to their fucking job. I've been with you almost from day one. The next time I want to get in contact with you. I won't be redirected to some teenager whose parents only ever spanked them once. Okay?"

The gang leader lulls his head back, regretting many of the decisions he's made in his life. "Yes, okay, no more teenagers. I'll look over everyone who's spoken to you and have them taken care of too. How's that?"

"I'll see you tomorrow."




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Gangs // k.t.h + j.j.k [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now