I Defied Death For This

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A/N: So, these chapter titles will be totally random, because I think it will be fun.(:

  CHAPTER 1: I Defied Death For This

  The weapon shop falls silent as I walk in, my eyes scanning the walls and tables before stopping on a sword hanging behind the shop owner, the handle elegantly engraved in a golden script. I approach the balding heavyset man behind the counter and nod my head toward the sword.

"How much?"

"Much too pricey for a little girl like you. Do you know who that sword belonged to?" He chuckles and I scowl in response.

"I didn't ask who it belonged to, I asked how much. Give me a price, old man."

"Two hundred."

Before I can reply, the two men that were talking in the far end of the shop start shouting and shoving each other. The shop owner leaves me to break up the brewing fight and I smirk as he passes. I cast a glance back at them before swiftly sliding over the counter top. I pull the sword from the wall and tuck it into the empty sheathe strapped to my back before slipping out of the shop unseen. I easily blend into the crowd, so even once the man realized the sword is gone, he won't be able to find me. I just saved a lot of money, especially because it was my sword to begin with.

As I weave through the crowded marketplace stalls, I knock an apple from one of the counters and wipe it on my shirt before taking a bite. Two figures appear at my sides and I glance up at each of them as they put their arms over my shoulders and greet me happily. I can tell that they want to say something further but with the crowds it would be too dangerous, so we head toward the outskirts and vanish into the depths of the trees with a well-practiced ease. We arrive at our base a few minutes later, an extensive cave system hidden behind a waterfall deep in the woods. A place that could only be found by those who know it's there... the den of The Pack.

The twins follow me through the tunnel and into the main branch, each of us pulling a mask from our bags to put on. Most of our group prefers to stay hidden under the identity they've taken on so they wear their masks constantly. I wear mine at all times unless I'm blending with the locals in villages. Only my second in commands know what I look like. As we pass through the main area, a large rounded area filled with mismatched furniture, a fire pit, and oil lamps dotted about, several members call out greetings or welcome me back. A small smile crosses my face though I don't acknowledge them. We head through one of the dozens of tunnel entrances branching off from the main room and enter my sanctuary. With a sigh, I toss my sword and mask onto the table before stretching myself across the blood red couch nearby.

"It's good to be back. I trust you two were able to keep things running smoothly in my absence?"

Esmon and Thayer settle in the matching arm chairs across from the couch and smirk, their movements perfectly in sync.

"Naturally. How was your vacation?"

"About as wonderful as it could be. Shenazard Castle is quite lovely this time of year. The prince was rather obnoxious and the food they offered wasn't quite up to the standards I hold Owl to, but I managed. I hated that I just simply could not stick around for my execution but I had things to do." I hum. "I'm more upset that the guards decided to sell off my sword. It's lucky that you two were around to create a distraction. I didn't have the energy to simply kill him as I thought I'd have to."

"So, what are we doing now that you're back?" They ask and a smirk crosses my face as I look over at him.

"Let's celebrate."

The main room is filled with music, laughter, and cheers as The Pack celebrates the return of their leader by getting very, very drunk. I watch everyone from behind the safety of my rabbit shaped half mask as I drain the remaining liquid from the bottle in my hand. My eyes flick down to my hand of cards before laying them on the table with a smirk. I rake my winnings over to my end of the table and the three men settled around me fold since I won everything they had. I hold out my hand and a new bottle appears to replace the empty and Thayer gathers my winnings to carry to my room. I get to my feet and am greeted by a man in a fox mask before he holds out his hand and asks me to dance. I look at him for a moment before placing my bottle on the table and put my hand in his.

As the fox twirls me around, I listen to the upbeat music played by the Bird Brothers. They're three brothers who don the masks of a blue jay, a cardinal, and a canary. They'd come to join The Pack last year after living as traveling musicians and pickpockets. They picked the wrong pocket one day and they offered to exchange their loyalty for their lives.

"You think too much, Dearest." Esmon sighs from behind the mask, drawing my attention back to him.

"You know me oh too well, Darling." I hum as he pulls me close.

He lifts his mask slightly and pulls me into a kiss. We part a few minutes later and he smirks.

"Perhaps you could use a distraction."

I find myself curled up in Esmon's lap a short while later as I talk to the other Fox of the group, his mask a pure white unlike Esmon's standard orange. I feel his hand gently rubbing circles on my back and it feels heavenly. The Pack members have almost full reign over what identity they take on since the masks are crafted by Doe and they just pick from what's there or make a request. The twins picked the foxes and I think it fits their personalities and movements perfectly. They're both sly and crafty.

They had handled operations for me while I was imprisoned but now that I'm back I want to catch up on what I missed over the week. We lost Wolf and Coyote, but otherwise things ran smoothly. They assigned the jobs I'd collected and gathered more on trips through villages. Those are awaiting my approval tomorrow then assignments will be given out.

"So what is your next plan, Rabbit?" Esmon asks.

"I have to thank the most honorable Prince Raji for my stay and gather my effects." I grin. "Don't worry Darlings, I have plans for you as well." 

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