Pink Unicorns Stole My Underwear!

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Chapter 46: Pink Unicorns Stole My Underwear!

I've been living in my newly built cottage for a few months now and have finally gotten it as set up and done as I can on my own. Obi has been complaining that every time he comes home something else is different or I'm trying to do too much. I can't help it that I get bored. Miss Peya made me take time off work until some point after the baby is born and said that I was welcome to come back if I wanted but she didn't think I would since I would fall in love with my first child instantly. I didn't correct her on it but I cried for two days after that.

Obi had Callia come to stay with me since I'm close to the end of the pregnancy and he's not able to be around often. We both hate that he can't be around all the time, but he was around to feel the first kicks and as soon as he comes home he immediately showers me with affection before focusing his attention on my growing stomach until he falls asleep with his head in my lap. I woke up once to find him rubbing my belly and telling the baby how amazing it's mother is and that it would always have a friend and a sister protecting them from above. That also made me cry for a while. Despite having a child before, this is all new territory for me as well. Nothing about my pregnancy with Nemi was this loving, gentle, or peaceful. It feels amazing but I still find myself worrying despite him assuring me that he wouldn't let anything happen to me or the baby. I trust him though.

I look up from my book as I hear a key in the door and Obi walks in with a carefully blank expression. I arch a brow and mark my page before setting it aside, then ask what's wrong. He walks over and kisses me before kissing my stomach. I feel the baby lightly kick at him and I chuckle as he sticks his tongue out at my stomach.

"What's going on?" I ask as I run my fingers through his hair.

"Callia, is she able to travel short distances?"

"She should be alright, just don't push it and don't go too far." She responds from the kitchen where she's been brewing something that I swear has to be a witch's potion.

"Where are we going?"

"Callia, will you step into the other room please?" He asks and I feel my heart drop. Something's wrong.

"What's going on? You're worrying me, Love."

"I-I need you to come to Wistal Castle with me."

"What? No. Nope. Not going to happen. Obi, we barely got away with it when he showed up at the cottage and-"

"-and Rabbit is dead. He knows you as Mel, so it will be okay. You're not in trouble I promise."

"But being dead only works if you're not recognized. If he or the tall guy recognize me, I'm dead instantly, the baby too."

"I won't let anything happen to you. Trust me, please?"

"If you get me killed, I'm haunting your ass." I sigh.

By the time we make it to Wistal Castle, my hands are trembling. He never really told me what I needed to come here for or what's going on but I'm doing my best to trust him like he'd asked me to. He leads me through the different corridors, holding my hand and whispering soothing things as we go. I have no weapons and I haven't fought anyone since I came across Haru in the village before I found out I was pregnant. If I am attacked and Obi's unable to help, the baby and I are screwed. We stop in front of a set of doors and he turns to me before pulling me into an attempted hug. The baby kind of separates us now. He kisses my forehead before moving to my lips.

"I love you, Melione. I won't let anything happen to you okay? Just be nice."

"I love you too... When am I ever not nice?" I huff.

"How are you mean? Let me count the ways... I'm sure our child will be in their thirties by the time I'm done." He snickers and I lightly hit him in the chest.

We enter a room that I quickly realize is the prince's office. My old interrogation friend and the blonde lady are standing behind his desk and the prince himself is seated at the desk. His dark blue eyes look up at Obi first before focusing on me as I absently try to tuck myself behind Obi. It's funny, when I was a criminal organization's leader, I held no fear when it came to the castle, the lackeys, or the prince. Now that I'm not doing illegal activities and murdering people in my spare time, I'm terrified. But now I have two people that depend on me compared to not having anyone like before. My eyes widen as Obi gently pulls me out from behind his back to stand beside him.

"Mel, you remember my master, right?" He prompts as he squeezes my hand softly.

"Y-Yes. It's an honour to be in your presence again, Your Highness." I mumble as I bow.

When I straighten, he looks between me and Obi.

"This is her?"

"Yes." I look up to Obi as a sinking feeling settles in my chest.

"How did this come about?"

"I developed feelings for her when I was caring for her at the safe house."

"And now she's having your baby?" The prince adds as he stares at my stomach, his face slightly turning red.

"Yes. That's typically a possibility when you act on your feelings Master. Maybe one day you and Miss Shirayuki will-"

"Obi, hush." I hiss as I reach up and cover his mouth. "I'm not sure who you're speaking of but it seems to be highly inappropriate."

To my surprise, the prince laughs and I quickly apologize but he waves it off.

"You don't have to be so afraid. Obi just finally decided to inform me of your relationship and current situation, so I requested to meet you. I'd like to learn more about the woman who tamed him." 

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